Amazing Growth

Amazing Growth

The amazing video below shows the dramatic change in religious populations around the world with some very shocking facts and important implications. The video is mesmerizing to watch.  It was created by Sasha Madin.

In 1946, just after WW II, Reform, Conservative, & Orthodox Judaism ranked 11, 13, and 14 among religious population groups.  Reform Judaism had under 2 million.  Orthodox Judaism was under 1 million.  Catholics were first with 391 million, Hindus were second with 234 million, Protestants were third at 161 million.  Sunni Islam was 8th with only 49 million and Shia Islam was 10th with only 19 million.

In the 1950’s Sunni Islam grew quickly, moving up to 5th place by 1959.  It continued steady growth until 1970 when it began to experience rapid growth.  In 1981 Sunni Islam passed Protestants, moving into 3rd place.  In 1985 Sunni Islam took off like a rocket, more than doubling in size by 1996 and passing Hindus, moving into 2nd place.  The rapid growth only accelerated more (if that can be imagined) and they took over the Catholics by 1999. 

In the last 22 years Sunni Islam grew to over 800 million followers, while Catholics and Protestants only grew to 200 million each.

By the time we get to 2019 both Reform Judaism and Conservative Judaism have fallen off the chart of the top 15.  Orthodox Judaism is 13th, with 7 million.  Sunni Islam has grown to 30 times its size in just 73 years and is now number one at 1.5 billion, which is almost more than both Catholics and Protestants combined, who only grew 3 and 4 times their sizes respectively in 73 years.  Hindus are number 2 at 1.2 billion.  Catholics dropped down to third at 1.1 billion and protestants are in fourth at 700 million.

Think about that. Hindus grew 5 times in 73 years, while Protestants grew 4 times and Catholics grew 3 times their size, but Sunni Islam grew 30 times its size in the same time period.









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