
More From Prose

My Rabbi

I really appreciate my Rabbi. I asked this man so many questions the mere fact he could…
My Rabbi

Belev Echad

Belev Echad (“One Heart” in Hebrew) is an organization that brings wounded Israeli Defense…
Belev Echad

Factory Reset

Have you ever messed up your smartphone or computer so badly by adding or subtracting things…
Factory Reset
Tom Kapusta

Tom Kapusta

Tom Kapusta loved his father. Tom was proud of his career in the military. After learning about…
Tom Kapusta

A Lawsuit with God

One of the most beautifully haunting pieces of cantorial music I have ever sung was called A…
A Lawsuit with God


During my mission’s trip I began a journalism project at the children’s orphanage in Mexicali…

Keep on Loving

“How did you and Duane manage to have such a loving and close family?” Kathy asked following…
Keep on Loving

Trying to Fit

I have been very lucky in that there is a lot of flexibility regarding what I can wear to work.
Trying to Fit

Bubbe’s Zalts

Bubbe’s Zalts (Yiddish for the word salt) On a scale of one to ten, my mother was a ten. Mama…
Bubbe’s Zalts

The Kinsmen Cowboys

As I was growing up I’d always heard about the Lower East Side of New York City. I grew up in…
The Kinsmen Cowboys

Ctrl + Z

One of my favorite keyboard shortcuts is Ctrl + Z. It instantly deletes the last action you…
Ctrl + Z

My Rabbi's Tie

I was searching for something to give my Rabbi and his wife. I loved them very much so I just…
My Rabbi's Tie

Bob Quillen

It was 2:00 a.m. when Bob Quillen's phone rang. To his surprise, it was Ray Seigal. Bob had…
Bob Quillen

Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld

Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld came into my life in the early 1960’s. He was then the senior rabbi at…
Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld

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