
More From Genesis

Love Birds

The name "Lovebird" is an excellent brief description of colorful, pint-size parrots that make…
Love Birds


Speaking personally, the iguana is not our favorite creature here in these sub-tropical Keys.…

Wood Frog

It is not simply that the wood frog can survive for months, hibernating in temperatures that…
Wood Frog


The often-pictured mountain goat can thrive in elevations too high and cold for even trees to…


"Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise." Proverbs 6:6
Canada Geese

Canada Geese

You can't mistake the largest of all geese, the Canada Goose, for any other bird. Their size…
Canada Geese
House Cats

House Cats

“Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest” (Exodus 34:21). What animal so…
House Cats


Foxes are one of the many animals mentioned in the Jewish Bible. Foxes are part of the dog…

Sea Otters

It is normal for a marine animal to have a layer of fat to protect it from cold ocean water.…
Sea Otters

Lightning Bug

The not-by-accident design of the flashing mechanism of the lightning bug is far superior to…
Lightning Bug

Roseate Spoonbill

There are six kinds of spoonbills, but the only kind you'll find in the Western Hemisphere…
Roseate Spoonbill

Honey Bees

Honey bees are organized and focused— "done right" by their Creator who programmed them with…
Honey Bees

Butterflies & Moths

Most moths are out and about at night, while butterflies are usually on the wing in the…
Butterflies & Moths


It is not by accident that song SPARROWS living in desert areas of the Southwestern USA look…

The Miracle of the Heavens

The initial shock of stellar majesty inspires a new appreciation for the word awesome.
The Miracle of the Heavens

Northern Cardinals

A person would have to have a heart closed to beauty not to enjoy the sight of the gorgeous red…
Northern Cardinals

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