

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters when God said let there be light and there was light. Then He divided the light from the darkness making the light day and the darkness night. That evening and morning was the first day. The next evening and morning was the second day. On the second day God created the sky above the waters. On the third evening and morning God created the land, and on that land he placed grass, trees and all sorts of plants.

On the fourth evening and morning God created the sun, moon and stars. On the fifth evening and morning God created fish in the sea and birds for the sky. God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the seas and the sky. On the sixth day God created living creatures to cover the land. Then God said "let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness". God gave man dominion to rule over all the earth. God gave man the responsibility to care for all of God's creatures. God created a man from the dust of the earth and called him Adam. From Adam God created Eve to be his wife. God gave Adam and Eve permission to eat the fruit and grains abundant in the Garden of Eden. At the end of this sixth day God saw that everything was very good. On the seventh day God rested from all HIS work and blessed the seventh day and sanctified it as His shabbat and gave it to man so that every Friday evening to Saturday evening we can also experience this rest with God. The next time you are troubled, remember that God, the all powerful creator, who created the heavens and the earth in 7 days, is powerful enough to help you through any problem that you are going through.

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