Holy Days Videos

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The Latke Song

A different perspective of what Chanukah is about.
The Latke Song

Chanukah Dance

Chanukah Dance Celebrate Chanukah and dance with Beth-El Shalom!
Chanukah Dance

Oh Chanukah Oh Chanukah

David Summerford plays the festive holiday song while scenes of Chanukah related photos play in…
Oh Chanukah Oh Chanukah

Popeye Purim

Popeye Purim.Join us for an enjoyable and fun Popeye Purim play as Popeye Mordecai beats Brutus…
Popeye Purim

Street Shofar New York City

The shofar blast is a call to wake up to what's possible for ourselves and our world this…
Street Shofar New York City

Nefesh B'Nefesh Yom HaAtzmaut

Inspired by the words of the Declaration of Independence, this brief five minute video is a…
Nefesh B'Nefesh Yom HaAtzmaut

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

During Rosh Hashanah and the days leading up to Yom Kippur it is often a time of t’shuvah…
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Tisha B'Av

The Jewish Fast Day of Tisha B'Av

As covered in previous articles on Shalom Adventure, Tisha B’Av is officially the saddest day…
The Jewish Fast Day of Tisha B'Av

Kol Nidre

Kol Nidre by Keren Tarr.Kol Nidre is a prayer recited in synagogues before the beginning of the…
Kol Nidre

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