
More From Shoah

Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem

Almost 12 years ago, Youtuber Nina N (@NinaNowa) posted a video documenting her visit to Yad…
Yad Vashem

Hitler Tried to Kill Me

“In many cases, Hitler succeeded in wiping out total families,” Holocaust survivor Nat Shaffir…
Hitler Tried to Kill Me
Overcrowded and under-resourced, daily privations took a ghastly toll.

Everyday Life in the Ghettos

What was it like for the Jewish people who were forced into ghettos by the Nazis?
Everyday Life in the Ghettos

Beyond Secret Tears

I was 4 years old and my brother was 5-1/2 years old when we were first separated from our…
Beyond Secret Tears

Gertrude Luckner

Gertrud Luckner was born in the year 1900 in Liverpool. Soon she comprehended the reach of the…
Gertrude Luckner

Whose Child are You?

Holocaust survivor Josef Herschel tells of the horrific events of World War II and how his…
Whose Child are You?

Holocaust Remembrance

"It should not be forgotten. There was no reason for what was done to the people in this world."
Holocaust Remembrance

Leica and the Jews

The Leica is the pioneer 35mm camera. It is a German product - precise, minimalist, and utterly…
Leica and the Jews

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