
More From Traditions

How to Make Kiddish

Kiddush, like candles, sanctifies the Sabbath. Making kiddush is a simple religious act that…
How to Make Kiddish

A Stone to Remember

Many cultures have different ways of dealing with death. One Jewish custom is to place a stone…
A Stone to Remember

The Jewish Calendar

LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also…
The Jewish Calendar


Tzedakah is from the word meaning righteousness. A tzadek is a righteous person.


In many Jewish synagogues a minyan is required for public prayer times. A minyan is a group of…


A mezuzah is a little box that is nailed to the doorpost of a Jewish home. The Hebrew word…


Havdallah means “separation” and is a service used to separate the holiness of the Sabbath from…

The Name

Throughout the ages the Jewish people have been extremely careful to honor the name of God.…
The Name
A bride and groom under a chupah, a large covering often used at weddings.

Jewish Wedding

A chupah is a large covering that is often used at weddings to cover the bride and groom.
Jewish Wedding


הפטרה (Haftarah), the name given to the reading from the Prophetic books which follows the…

Two Torahs?

Many understand the Torah to be the five books of Moses. And that is true but what many Jews…
Two Torahs?

Magen David

The Magen David is the six pointed star also known as the Star of David. Magen David literally…
Magen David

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