Inventing Health: Israeli Innovations in Life Sciences - Part 1

Science is very important; it is good to learn and share what we have learned with others so everyone can benefit. Over the years humans have learned and built upon the knowledge of others to make life easier for each other. This video highlights some of the things people in Israel have been doing to improve the health field. It is formatted like a convention where you can walk from booth to booth to see different things people have been working on. We may not be able to travel to the past to see the event in person but we could consider ourselves lucky to be able to enjoy watching this video that was recorded.

In the video you can learn about things like the Life Watch which provides a convenient mobile solution to monitor and administer health tests. This is said to be basically a medical smart phone and the first of its kind. It could help people someone with diabetes manage their blood sugar because it can be used to help measure blood sugar levels. It can also monitor the heart rate and check oxygen levels in the blood. 

There is another invention listed referred to as the EarDoc. Ear infections can be very hard and painful to deal with, I would know has I had many of them as a child the pain isn’t something to take lightly. I had a lot of problems with my ears and was told  I had tubes put in my ears to help drain the fluid that build up in the ears when I was very young. 

The EarDoc is said to use vibrations that can pass through the bone to help relieve the pressure helping remove the fluids that built up with infection and it said to also be helpful for those you feel uncomfortable pressure in the ears after flying  and diving.  Maybe something like this would have been helpful if it was available and approved for at home use when I was younger.

There are many other things you can learn about in this video that you may find very interesting.  You can learn about something highly unusual that is being done in an attempt to lessen infections and various inventions that are intended to help people who are struggling with their legs. We should be grateful that people are willing to share what they learned with others so people can benefit. We should be willing to share what can be helpful with others.

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