

Alcohol injures every cell it touches. It interferes with the enzyme system of cells, and is classed as a poison by physicians and…
Berries as Disease Fighters

Berries as Disease Fighters

If you have (or are at risk for developing) diabetes, hypertension, cancer, or dementia, frequent consumption of berries will improve your…
Berries as Disease Fighters
Fiber, Your Fabulous Friend

Fiber, Your Fabulous Friend

Dieting? How would you like to daily enjoy a variety of fresh fruits, plenty of colorful and tasty vegetables, wholesome whole grains, a…
Fiber, Your Fabulous Friend
Fresh Air

Fresh Air

Smog's Contribution to Illness You feel like someone's choking you! Your chest feels tight -- you may cough or wheeze -- and you just can't…
Fresh Air


Balance has lost its true meaning. Modern society has become a society of excesses! We…


Today, as never before, "the pressure is on:" Pressure to beat out the other guy for…


The Facts The human body must have oxygen; each…

Death by Diet

"No disease that can be treated by diet should be…

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