Bubbe's Picks
5 Jewish Languages You Didn't Know Were a Thing
Nov 16, 2024
Have you ever wondered what it means to “speak Jewish”? It is a good question considering Jewish people can…
IDF in Southern Lebanon
Nov 10, 2024
In these videos you can see what the Israel Defense Force is finding in Southern Lebanon, in homes, under…
This New Elon Musk Interview with Ben Shapiro is Making…
Sep 22, 2024
Ben Shapiro & Elon Musk visited Auschwitz together and then sat down for a very interesting interview…
Female Arab Soldier: "I Came to Serve my Country"
Sep 06, 2024
Female Arab Soldier: "I Came to Serve My Country and My Home."
Dear Infidels: A Warning to America
Aug 17, 2024
Prager University unveils the true face of islam with this soul stirring documentary which interviews people…
The Gazan who Escaped From Hamas and Converted to…
Jul 22, 2024
Yaron Avraham is a Jewish convert from muslim gaza. He was being trained to be a mass murderer like those of…
Sovereignty Over Jerusalem
Jul 06, 2024
Jerusalem is one of the most contested cities in the world. During the Six-Day War in June 1967, the Israelis…
No, Just No
Jun 09, 2024
Many believers seem to have this notion that setting limits with others by turning down requests and/or…
Righteous Among the Nations: CPL Noah's Family Legacy
May 23, 2024
IDF solider, Noah van Ouwerkerk, tells in this video how her gentile great grandparents saved Jews during the…
Noa Tishby Empowers Jewish Students at BBYO Convention
Apr 06, 2024
Speech by: Noa Tishby. I recently spoke to more than 4000 Jewish teens at @bbyoinsider. And I told them, very…
Dreams ... A Tribute to Israel's Heroes
Feb 27, 2024
This video highlights those who are seen as heroic to many people who value Israel. The video shows many…
Whose Jerusalem
Jan 15, 2024
Timeless Quotes: "Jews! Unique nation of the world! For thousands of years the tyranny of the world has…
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Dec 23, 2023
Twas the night before Christmas, and we, being Jews My girlfriend and me -- we had nothing to do. The…
Shalom Sesame: The Story of Modern Hebrew
Dec 10, 2023
Shalom Sesame is an educational channel for children, but anyone can learn from it and enjoy it. As we can…
The Independent
Dec 07, 2023
We tell boys not to cry. We define a 'real' man as someone that does not need anyone’s help and keeps his…
Other Sections
Anti-Semitism is viral and has infected almost all large organized groups from all sides…
Parashat Vayachel-Pukidey
Parasha for the Week: Vayachel-Pukidey: Exodus 35:1 – 40:38Haftarah for the Week: 1 Kings…
Holocaust Survivor Meets US Veteran After 70 Years
Holocaust Survivor Meets US Veteran After 70 Years
How Yeshua Avoided Sinning as a Youth
Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky shares the important topic of how we can have victory over sin!
Keep Reading!
Enjoy the Archives!
Whole Megillah
Yentanyl - the Antidote for Antisemitism
Is there a cure for anti-semitism?
A beautiful song about the Jewish homeland.
New Museum Tells a Story of the Bravery of Jewish Soldiers
A museum opened in Israel that highlights Jews who fought in World War II.
Five Surprising Differences Between Ashkenazi and Sephardic…
Did you know that there are major differences between Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews?
Joseph's Story: Sibling Rivalry, Slavery, and Redemption
Ever wonder how a case of sibling rivalry ended up changing the destiny of the Jewish people?
Unsafe Spaces: When Being Jewish Means You Don't Belong
Everyone knows that Israel is a tough subject, but something has been changing recently.
Book of Exodus Summary
Who was Moses and why is his life so important?
Would You Pay $30 Million for a 1,000 Year Old Bible?
What would you be willing to pay for a Bible that is more than 1,000 years old?
Who are the Mizrahi Jews?
In the second century CE, the Romans exiled the Jews of Judea and created a far flung diaspora which saw many Jews make their way to…
The Jewish Origin Story: Abraham, Idols, and Sacrifice
The Jewish Story Explained is a “you never got info like this at Hebrew school” trip through the past 3,000 years of the Jewish experience.
Shalom Adventure Survey
We are inviting you to take our survey about improving Shalom Adventure Magazine. Shalom Adventure Team is constantly improving the…
Best New York Jewish Food Tour
Do you like Jewish food?
Chinese Restaurants & Jewish Food: Connected?
What is the connection between Chinese restaurants and Jewish food?
Shalom Adventure Free Apps
We are excited to introduce our free no-ads apps. Do you enjoy Shalom Adventure programs and sermons?
Shalom Adventure TV Show
Watch Shalom Adventure TV on any platform you enjoy.
History of the Jews in Five Minutes
The Jewish Agency for Israel released an article stating that as of September 2021 there are 15.2 million Jews living in the world.
Haym Salomon - The Jew Who Saved the American Revolution
Haym Salomon was a broker in Philadelphia, and lived for 45 years.
The Hidden Truth Between Grief and Addiction
Most people know about addictions, and know at least someone who has, or is still suffering from one.
Glimpses of Jewish Life Before the Holocaust
What was life like in Jewish communities in Europe before the Holocaust?
Hello Ema Hello Abba
Have you ever had one of those days?
Statement on the Passing of Dr. Vladimir 'Zev' Zelenko
“It is with immense sorrow that we announce the passing of our founder Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko.
Mama and the Four Legged Chicken
My mother's parents came from small shtetles in the vicinity of Grudno and kuvno in czarist russia, emigrating in the 1880's. Her Father…
How Education Kept Judaism Alive
An entire nation of intellect and innovation began with ancient schools emphasizing long passages of memorization and discussion.
Correct Terminology
Throughout the years of my marriage (almost twenty) I've tried to make my wife Yiddish savvy.
Getting Real
The "getting real" phenomenon voices itself through the postmodern buzz words "authentic," "passion," "chill," "sharing," "praxis," and,…
Jews vs Israelites vs Hebrews
The words "Jews," "Israelites" and "Hebrews" have similarities but they are not synonyms. Using words correctly leads to healthier…
Car 54 Where Are You? - Joan Crawford Didn't Say No
What can an early 1960’s TV program, “Car 54” tell us about life today?
Yearning to Return to Jerusalem for Over 2,000 Years
Jerusalem has been the ancestral, eternal and undivided capital of Jerusalem for thousands of years.
What Makes the Israeli Soldier the Best in the World
Listen to Colonel Sharon Gat tell you why Israeli soldiers are the best in the world.
The Luzzatto High Holiday Mahzor: Seven aCenturies of…
A 13th century Medieval Hebrew illustrated Prayer Book went to auction at Sotheby’s.
The History and Revival of the Hebrew Language
Intriguing video about the establishment of Hebrew as the modern spoken language of Israel.
Ancient Legacy of Chinese Jews
The Chinese government, which now recognizes Jews as an official Chinese ethnic group, is also paying more attention to the country's…
Bahrain's Jews Worship in Public for First Time in Decades
Completion of renovations to Bahrain’s only synagogue is discussed.
Jewish Community in Ghana
The House of Israel in Ghana is a Jewish community, which claims to have a connection to the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel.
Aliyah from Ethiopia
The Addis family is reunited in Israel after waiting nearly twenty years to make Aliyah from Ethiopia.
Hava Nagila - Trio Balkanske Zice
Trio Balkanske Zice performs Hava Nagila.
Prayer and Teshuvah
GOD WANTS YOUR HEART, AND PRAYER IS THE MEANS by which your heart is offered to Him. "When you pray, rather let thy heart be without words…
Crash Course in Middle East History
Nationhood and JerusalemIsrael became a nation in 1312 BCE - 2,000 years before the rise of Islam.
Calendar of Jewish Persecution
Calendar of Jewish Persecution70 A.D. Destruction of Jerusalem 1,100,000 Jews were killed and 97,000 taken into slavery and captivity.
“For the Lord hath chosen Zion... I will bless her with abundant provision.” Ps. 132: 13, 15. God’s idea of abundance must be different…
The Aircraft Plot
On June 15, 1970, a group of Soviet dissidents gathered at Smolny Airport outside Leningrad. They had bought all the seats on a…
The Struggle
Only God knows the future, the past too ugly to repeat.I live here in the present to wander earth on believer’s feet. Does some tragic…
The Immortal Jews
If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one per cent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star dust lost in…
The Frank Sinatra - You May Not Have Known
He used to joke that he knew Yiddish better than Italian, the language of his grandparents who emigrated from Apennines. The singer was a…
Great Lessons from Grapes
I was eating some tasty grapes and started to think of some things I noticed before but didn’t give much thought.
A Little Bad Attitude Goes a Long Way!
Does God overlook our attitude problems? Well there's an interesting example in his word about man with a real attitude problem who pitched…
New Florida License Plate
Florida has approved a new license plate – Florida Stands With Israel.
There IS Help for the Hopeless
…When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me (Micah 7:8). Until I entered my 50s, I had never been depressed in my entire…
Torah Commentary
A new set of Bible commentary on the Torah highlights the Parashah from the Torah, the Haftarah from the Tanak, and a portion from the…
Steve Wohlberg
Steven Wohlberg was walking along the beach with Seth, his 2-year-old son, when Seth saw some other boys throwing stones into the water.…
Match Maker
I remember watching the classic Jewish film “Fiddler on the Roof” and there is one scene where the sisters started singing the matchmaker…
Louis Brandeis. Dry Bones
Another entry in the Zionist series: Micky Marcus, the retired U.S. Army Colonel who joined the "impossible" Jewish fight to beat off the…
ZOA Thanks United States for Israel Labeling Rules
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:
ZOA Praises School Board of Palm Beach County FL
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly praises the Palm Beach County School Board for rescinding its recent decision to rehire…
Americans Born in Jerusalem, Israel Able to State That on…
Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:
The UAE's Thriving Jewish Community
The Jewish community in the United Arab Emirates has thrived in the past decade.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a United States Supreme Court Justice, died on Sept 18, 2020 at the age of 87.
Yaakov Shwekey Sings in Honor of United States President
Jewish music superstar Yaakov Shwekey with a song in honor of the country and its leader, President Donald J Trump.
Eliezer Ben Yehuda. Dry Bones
The Seventh in my new Dry Bones cartoon series called "The Zionists". Today's offering features Eliezer Ben Yehuda.
Jewish Heritage – Dan to Be'ersheva Tour
“They resolved to make a proclamation throughout all Israel, from Beersheba to Dan, that they should come to keep the Passover to the Lord…
David Ben Gurion. Dry Bones
The latest in my new Dry Bones cartoon series called "The Zionists".Today's offering features David Ben Gurion.
Entebbe Day
A 4th of July has never passed since 1976 that I haven't celebrated Entebbe Day.
Jews in Sports
The Genesis Prize Foundation created the video "Jews in Sports" as shown below to honor Jewish achievements in sports and athletics over…
Join Students Speak out Against Anti-Semitism - A Creative…
The “Students Speak Out Against Anti-Semitism - A Creative Video Production Contest” is an education and awareness initiative sponsored by…
Or Zarua La Tsadik
When I stood up to sing this chant for the Jewish high holy days as the tenor lay cantor in a large reform synagogue, my mind immediately…
"Jews in Hollywood" Presented by the Genesis Prize…
The Genesis Prize Foundation created the "Jews in Hollywood" video to honor accomplishments by Jewish people in film, television, and…
24th Annual Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact Brandy Gold [email protected] Festival Director 813.769.4725
The Jewish Siri
What happens when Siri goes kosher?
Porkless COVID-19 Social Distancing
My wife and I are practicing social distancing...
I Was Never Alone
Geneva Wood is a 90-year-old resident of Life Care Center, a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington famous for being one of the first…
Porkless COVID-19 Isolation
There are some benefits to this social distancing...
Porkless COVID-19 Predictiona
This is my COVID-19 prediction...
Richard Tucker
Richard Tucker was one of the greatest tenors to ever sing for the Metropolitan Opera. He was also an orthodox Jewish cantor. He ranked as…
Israel: There's No Place Like Home
There’s no place like home, whether it is the end of a long day at work or the end of a long business trip away from loved ones.
Peace to Prosperity Plan
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:
United States President Remarks at the Israeli American…
In December of 2019, United States President Donald Trump delivered a keynote address at an annual summit hosted by the Israeli-American…
Who's Responsible for the Surge in Anti-Semitism?
Morton Klein of Zionist Organization of America has an interesting opinion on why these anti-Jewish attacks are taking place. Here is his…
Anti-Semitism Grows in Brooklyn
Ami Horowitz went to NYC to ask the people on the street why there has been a rash of attacks on Jewish people in NYC.
Sarah Halimi
The Court of Appeal in Paris, France just excused the criminal trial of Kobili Traore, accused of murdering a 65-year-old Orthodox Jewish…
Y-Studs - Evolution of Jewish Music
Another Chanukah song, this time presented by the a capella group Y-Studs:
ZOA Thankful for Wonderful 2019 Chanukah Gift
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq., and Susan Tuchman, Esq., ZOA’s Director…
"God Bless America" by Shalva Band
The Israeli band Shalva performed what US President Donald Trump introduced as a “very special performance.”
Glick (Yiddish word for Hope) One of the most haunting Yiddish songs of past years was a song called Glick, the title of this article. It…
What Does it Cost to be Faithful
The ancient story of Job (whom many people believe was written by Moses) in the Bible has encouraged many men and women throughout the ages.
New York Medical College Promotes Jewish Values in Medicine
New York Medical College has been infusing Jewish values into the care students are taught to give their patients.
Is Halloween Harmless Fun?
In the month of October, the neighborhood where I used to live, in some places looked like an alien planet.
Attorney General William Barr on Religious Liberty
Attorney General William P. Barr Delivers Remarks to the Law School and the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of…
Israel's Minister for Foreign Affairs Addresses General…
Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz, son of Holocaust survivors, addressed the general debate of the 74th Session of the General Assembly…
Israel and Religious Freedom Defended at 74th Session of…
President Trump addresses the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly and defended Israel and religious freedom.
Amazing Growth
The amazing video below shows the dramatic change in religious populations around the world with some very shocking facts and important…
Miss Iraq and Miss Israel
Sarah Idan, the Iraqi-born model and musician crowned the 2017 winner of the Miss Iraq pageant, has received numerous hateful comments and…
God Calls You by Name
“Oh look, here comes Shorty.” We’ve all heard someone do it. We may have done it ourselves--identify someone by their deficiency. An old…
Phish - Yerushalayim Shel Zahav
"Jerusalem of Gold" (ירושלים של זהב, Yerushalayim Shel Zahav), a song so well known it might be considered by some as the better…
Maimonides: Life and Legacy
Moshe ben Maimon, more commonly referrred to as “Maimonides” as derived from the the Greek translation of “Moses, son of Maimon,” or the…
Mort Klein Full Testimony at House Hearing on Hate Crimes…
President of the Zionists Organization of America Mort Klein recently issued statements at a House Judiciary committee meeting regarding…
My Son the Comedian
The President elect of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was formerly a comedian.
Ami on the Move: Open Anti-Semitism at UNC and Duke…
At a recent conference at an American college campus in North Carolina, Palestinian rapper Tamer Nafar of the hip hop group DAM used the…
Jewish Division: Omar
The Jewish community seems divided over how to respond to US congress person Ilhan Omar and her open anti-Semitism.
Jesus was a Palestinian?
The NY Times, Ilhan Omar, & the Palestinian government all falsely referred to Jesus as a Palestinian.
Ukranian Elections
First a comedian, then later the mayor of the city of Vinnytsia, Volodymyr Zelensky won by a landslide in the polls to be elected the…
Jerusalem's National Library Home to Jewish Amulets
An American physician, Dr. Max Leopold Brodny, visited Moscow, the cosmopolitian capital city of the former Soviet Union in 1959, and…
Inspired by a deep desire to follow the mitzvah of tikkun olam - doing good in or repairing the world - and further fueled by a sense of…
Exploring Jewish Life in Iran
Despite living in a country whose government openly wishes for the complete and utter annihilation of the Jewish state, many Jews feel safe…
The Adventure Of Shalom
Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. I know it, you know it, and most of the world knows the word shalom.
Yerushalayim in the 1900's: Original Footage
In the years immediately prior to the First World War, both Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem relished the news of an impeding implosion of the…
Remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs…
Rep. Ilhan Omar has a history of anti-Semitic statements including one this past week.
Florida Recognizes Jerusalem as the "Eternal and Undivided"…
While President Donald Trump last year made the bold step of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the U.S. State of Florida…
The Shofar that Survived Nazi Extermination
A shofar has been recovered from one of Europe’s oldest synagogues in Worms, Germany that was desecrated by Nazi mobs on Kristallnacht,…
Jewish Exercise Plan
Jewish Exercise Plan
ZOA Action Alert: Contact Ohio Medical Board to Permanently…
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. issued the following…
Abbas' PA Ignores U.S. Call: Free Pal.-American Jailed for…
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) condemned dictator Mahmoud Abbas’ pro-terror, anti-peace Palestinian Authority (PA) for ignoring…
As a Little Child
I was not raised in a highly observant home. When I began to practice my faith, I soon discovered that I was operating from a deficit.
Bronco Billy Anderson
Birth Name: Maxwell Henry Aronson
AirBnB's Anti-Jewish Boycott
Air BnB has caved to anti-isreal pressure and no longer advertises properties in Judea/Samaria Israel
I am the Jewish Nurse
The monster who murdered 11 people in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh was treated by two Jewish nurses and one Jewish doctor.…
Trailing a Mosad Agent Painter
Tamir Zadok searches for the paintings of a mosad agent who infiltrated into Egypt posing as an artist.
Women in the IDF
Women in the military is not a new concept in Israel. Women have served in military capacities in Israel since before the founding of the…
Verdi Terezin
A deep love of his country, a desire for his native Italy to be freed from foreign rule and unified, and death of fellow composer Gioachino…
The Tightrope Walker
Lessons of life can be learned even in the worst of circumstances.
Am I the Enemy?
Growing up in a Muslim, Palestinian-refugee home in Kuwait, how could he have ever known that one single conversation would turn his world…
Birthright: Adventure of a Lifetime - Based on an Interview…
A nutritionally, socially, and sleep deprived, intense, adrenaline-caffeine fueled week camped out in the University of Maryland campus…
Truman and Jacobson
Before there was AIPAC, before there was Israel, one man’s friendship with President Truman helped change history.
The Mystery of the Jews
Who are the Jews? What impact did they have on the world?
The Forgotten Refugees
Shortly after 1948 over 850,000 Jews were expelled from the very countries they called home in the Middle East.
Sounds of the Soul
The contribution of Jewish music.
A Jewish Grave
There are various Jewish traditions regarding how to deal with death.
Bitten by Love
I was scrolling through Facebook and came across a story about a man who was attacked and killed by a dog he had recently adopted from a…
A Strange Anti-Semitic Story
In the city of Miskolc located in hungry there was a teenager named Csanad Szegedi who became attracted to neo-Nazism.
Going East - The Jews of Indonesia
In the largest Muslim nation in the world, a small community quietly goes about its business. Meet the Jews of Indonesia.
Who is a Jew Survey Part 2
In our last survey we told a story of two people. David was raised Jewish and became a rabbi. Barry was raised as a Catholic and became a…
The Jewish Revolt Against Rome
An overview of the origins and buildup leading to the Jewish revolt against Roman rule in Judea in the 1st century CE.
Mensch on Wheels
Bubbe has an app for you! She's 84 and she's taking the tech world by storm.
It's Cold
Worry no more. This bubbe invented a new app to fix an age old problem.
Would it Kill You to Call?
Worry no more! Bubbe has an app for you!
Remarks on the Iran Strategy
President Trump's remarks on the Iran deal
Who is the Real Jew?
Two baby boys are born at the same time in the same hospital in NYC. One is named David and one is named Barry. David’s parents are Jewish…
From Time Immemorial – The Everlasting Jewish Tie to the…
On Israel's Independence Day, UNESCO passed a resolution demanding that Israel disavow Jerusalem as its capital. It ignores the continuous…
Should Jews Get Tattoos?
People get tattoos for various reasons. Tattoos are often considered to be the symbol of a rebel who isn’t afraid to do their own thing.…
Chong - Dogs & Humans - The Special Bond
Guy, an Israeli special forces operator, met Chong - a Lebanese Hizballah dog during the Lebanese war II, and decided to adopt him.
Swimming into Trouble-Should Jewish Women Be Left Out to…
There has been some controversy about the women only swimming hours that a pool in New York has offered to accommodate the large orthodox…
Sex Offence Prevention. Part 2
Sex Offence Prevention • S.O.S. - Sex Offender Sense. A Seminar by David Keen.
Sex Offence Prevention. Part 1
Sex Offence Prevention • Abuse Stops Here. A Seminar by Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, LPC.
Five Women From Ancient Chinese Jewish Community Make Aliyah
Five women from Kaifeng, an ancient Jewish city in China, make aliyah.
50th Anniversary Celebration
50th anniversary celebration of the reunification of Jerusalem
Song of Ruth
During the time of the Judges when there was a famine, an Israelite family from Bethlehem – Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their sons…
Sounds of the Soul - The Contribution of Jewish Music
The contribution of Jewish writers, composers and performers to the world of music. "Nobody does it better," and some of the Jewish names…
2010 Zhulin's Show Angelika Krylova & Ruslan Goncharov Hava…
Watch Hava Nagilla as performed on the ice.
Jewish Documentary - Full Film
Faith and Fate is a documentary telling the story of the Jews in the 20th Century.
Jewish Life in Arab Lands
This is what was lost when the Jews of Arab lands were pushed out of their homes and countries.
Ethiopian Jews of Israel
The amazing story of the Ethiopian Jews of Israel. It's a story about faith, living up dreams and overcoming everything. This is the core…
African-American Jew moves to Israel to fight in IDF
IDF fighter Avi Rosenblum discusses his reasons for making aliyah from the United States.
Who Are Sephardic Jews?
Sephardic Jews are from Spain and Portugal. Sephardic custom claims the original Jews in Spain were exiles spoken of in the Jewish book of…
The Jewish Treasures in Saddam Hussein's Basement
This is a dramatic heroic story of how these historic materials were found and rescued from the basement of Saddam Hussein's intelligence…
Sar-El: Volunteers From Around the World Give Back to the…
Sar-El, the National Jewish Project for Volunteers for Israel, brings approximately 4,000 Jews and non-Jews from 30 countries to Israel to…
Threatening to Ban Jewish Butchering Methods in Europe
Ben Weyts, a Flemish Minister for Animal Welfare, has called for a ban of all ritual slaughter, which would prevent both Jews and Muslims…
Gymnast Aly Raisman Heads To Rio For Second Olympic Games
Jewish Gymast Aly Reisman will be part of the 2016 US Olympic gymnast team. This is her 2nd time on the Olympic team.
Lessons From Mrs Bleach
Mrs. Bleach actually could have been a male, I don’t really know, but I loved “her.” As a child one of my chores was washing the dishes,…
Jazan Moshe Mendelson - Ein Kelokeinu
Ein Kelokeinu Breslev style
The Rabbi Who Spoke Out for Civil Rights in America
Rabbi Joachim Prinz spoke to the crowd gathered at the National Mall in Washington D.C. the day Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his…
Watch This Kiddush HaShem
Rabbi found $98,000 in desk he purchased on Craig's List
The Jewish Food Taste Test
The Jewish Food Taste Test
Hanukkah - Lift Yourself Up
Hanukkah - Lift Yourself Up
My Story...
On the 19 November 2015...
Non-Observant Jews Try Going Kosher for a Week
Non-Observant Jews Try Going Kosher for a Week
Hanukkah Explained by Christians
Hanukkah Explained by Christians
Americans Try Israeli Snacks
Americans Try Israeli Snacks
The World Has Gotten so Crazy...
The World Has Gotten so Crazy...
Bnei Menashe Visit Joseph's - and Menashe's - Tomb
Bnei Menashe Visit Joseph's - and Menashe's - Tomb
Germany: 102 Year Old Ingeborg Syllm-Rapoport Received…
Germany: 102 Year Old Ingeborg Syllm-Rapoport Received Diploma 77 Years After Nazis Denied It
You Are Part of the Story
You Are Part of the Story
Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus
Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus
Operation Solomon 1991
Operation Solomon 1991
Netanyahu's Speech to Congress
NETANYAHU: Thank you. (APPLAUSE) Thank you... (APPLAUSE)
PM Congressional Speech
Some people in congress have threatened to boycott Israel's Prime Minister's speech to congress because of pressure from the White House.…
Hobby Lobby: Perception is the only Reality
Businesses aren't people! How can they have religious freedom rights? Businesses should not be able to deprive women of access to…
Prayer Goes Back to Court
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a prayer case this term. In Greece, New York, an upstate town of about 100,000 people, the town council…
Most Popular
The Hidden Truth Between Grief and Addiction
Most people know about addictions, and know at least someone who has, or is still suffering from one.
Bahrain's Jews Worship in Public for First Time in Decades
Completion of renovations to Bahrain’s only synagogue is discussed.
Pop-up Hate Fests
The demonstrations against Israel, some of them violent, all of them verbally violent, all of them filled with anger and hatred, have…
The History and Revival of the Hebrew Language
Intriguing video about the establishment of Hebrew as the modern spoken language of Israel.
What Makes the Israeli Soldier the Best in the World
Listen to Colonel Sharon Gat tell you why Israeli soldiers are the best in the world.
Michal Cotler-Wunsh's powerful speech at the UN
Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism, gives a powerful speech at the UN about the ever-mutating virus of…
Who are the Mizrahi Jews?
In the second century CE, the Romans exiled the Jews of Judea and created a far flung diaspora which saw many Jews make their way to…
ZOA Thanks United States for Israel Labeling Rules
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:
New Florida License Plate
Florida has approved a new license plate – Florida Stands With Israel.
24th Annual Tampa Bay Jewish Film Festival
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact Brandy Gold [email protected] Festival Director 813.769.4725
Americans Born in Jerusalem, Israel Able to State That on…
Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:
Jewish Community in Ghana
The House of Israel in Ghana is a Jewish community, which claims to have a connection to the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel.
Book of Exodus Summary
Who was Moses and why is his life so important?
Aliyah from Ethiopia
The Addis family is reunited in Israel after waiting nearly twenty years to make Aliyah from Ethiopia.
ZOA Praises School Board of Palm Beach County FL
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly praises the Palm Beach County School Board for rescinding its recent decision to rehire…
The Luzzatto High Holiday Mahzor: Seven aCenturies of…
A 13th century Medieval Hebrew illustrated Prayer Book went to auction at Sotheby’s.
Yearning to Return to Jerusalem for Over 2,000 Years
Jerusalem has been the ancestral, eternal and undivided capital of Jerusalem for thousands of years.
Haym Salomon - The Jew Who Saved the American Revolution
Haym Salomon was a broker in Philadelphia, and lived for 45 years.
Louis Brandeis. Dry Bones
Another entry in the Zionist series: Micky Marcus, the retired U.S. Army Colonel who joined the "impossible" Jewish fight to beat off the…
Five Surprising Differences Between Ashkenazi and Sephardic…
Did you know that there are major differences between Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews?
How Education Kept Judaism Alive
An entire nation of intellect and innovation began with ancient schools emphasizing long passages of memorization and discussion.
Yentanyl - the Antidote for Antisemitism
Is there a cure for anti-semitism?
The UAE's Thriving Jewish Community
The Jewish community in the United Arab Emirates has thrived in the past decade.
Sarah Halimi
The Court of Appeal in Paris, France just excused the criminal trial of Kobili Traore, accused of murdering a 65-year-old Orthodox Jewish…
Match Maker
I remember watching the classic Jewish film “Fiddler on the Roof” and there is one scene where the sisters started singing the matchmaker…
ZOA Thankful for Wonderful 2019 Chanukah Gift
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq., and Susan Tuchman, Esq., ZOA’s Director…
There IS Help for the Hopeless
…When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me (Micah 7:8). Until I entered my 50s, I had never been depressed in my entire…
Statement on the Passing of Dr. Vladimir 'Zev' Zelenko
“It is with immense sorrow that we announce the passing of our founder Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko.