
Recent Genesis



God designed life-sustaining mechanisms for all His creatures—even the slowest moving—but we humans have off-this-planet-alive insurance!


(Too bad little raccoons aren't eager to use their energies in good ways—but instead they're full of mischief—so have a bad reputation!) 

Bubbe's Picks

Sea Otters

Sea Otters

Nov 30, 2024
It is normal for a marine animal to have a layer of fat to protect it from cold ocean water. Normal—except…


Nov 01, 2024
Moose are BIG mammals! They start out as 20- to 35-pound newborns—but when just five days old, while nursing…
Blue Marlin

Blue Marlin

Sep 20, 2024
Some creatures seem to have everything now! We wonder what God's original plan was for them; what His future…
Love Birds

Love Birds

Sep 02, 2024
The name "Lovebird" is an excellent brief description of colorful, pint-size parrots that make affectionate…


Aug 04, 2024
“Thus says the Lord: ‘Do no wrong’” (Jeremiah 22:3). This picture shows the ocean, and on the edge of the…
Koala Bears

Koala Bears

Jul 01, 2024
It's not by accident time now—to learn a bit about a furry animal who was created to thrive on what is poison…


Jun 13, 2024
There are all sorts of ways of getting attention. If you were a male bluebird and you found what you thought…

Periodical Cicadas

May 18, 2024
"Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!" (Psalm…
Hemlock Trees

Hemlock Trees

Apr 01, 2024
“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of…


Mar 11, 2024
"Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good" (Psalm 100:4, 5). When you feel hungry, what…
Canada Geese

Canada Geese

Dec 18, 2023
You can't mistake the largest of all geese, the Canada Goose, for any other bird. Their size and…


Nov 17, 2023
"I love the Lord, because He has heard My voice" (Psalm 116:1). Next time you go to a pond, see if you can…
The Sun

The Sun

Aug 21, 2023
"God is faithful" (1 Corinthians 10:13). When God made our world, He did not want it to be dark all the time.…

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More Genesis

House Cats

House Cats

“Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest” (Exodus 34:21). What animal so you see in these pictures? Yes. These are…
House Cats
Photo: Moss growing in a forest


"God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). Did you ever go for a walk in the woods? Did you ever see something that looks like…

Foundation Genesis

According to the most recent polls, over the past 50 years, Americans have been pretty consistent in their belief of the six-day Creation…
Foundation Genesis
American Robin

American Robins

"He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). Did you ever see a bird nest in a tree? How did that nest get there? A bird put it there. Did the bird…
American Robins
Periodical Cicada

Not by Accident Periodical Cicadas

Some creatures take years before they make a sound; in fact that's what some not-by-accident cicadas are just waiting to do! Read on:
Not by Accident Periodical Cicadas

Not by Accident Chameleons

There has been documentation of nearly 180 different species of chameleons in this world—each unique in its own way—but all chameleons…
Not by Accident Chameleons

Bombardier Beetle

It's Not By Accident time again—time to meet another of God's special creatures—that has a defense system that may make you a Believer!
Bombardier Beetle


Woodpeckers seem to delight in pecking and pounding with their beaks into trees—or drumming onto metal for the sheer joy of the sound as…


"Excuse me, excuse me!"


It's not by accident that even a mother alligator gives her babies watchful care during the first two years of their lives.


One wonders WHY God created the raven with an intelligence which they often use manipulatively over other animals.

Bald Eagles

"The Bible verse found in Isaiah 40:31 says they who "wait upon the Lord . . . shall mount up with wings as eagles."
Bald Eagles

Enjoy the Archives!

Whole Megillah


"A mechanical creature, the manatee, at A KEY Encounter, waves very slowly as people pass by. But it appears so real that many persons…


Doves are found all over the world and are normally unafraid of humans.


All 400 million dogs (the four-legged, domesticated type) running around in the world, have the same features in their paws: all have been…

The Fox

A fox has all sorts of built-in equipment it can use or techniques for survival it can apply in case of emergency. It may not be "right"…

Honey Bees

Honey bees are organized and focused— "done right" by their Creator who programmed them with not-by-accident equipment suitable for each…

African Grey

It is not by accident that the African Grey parrot is in a category of "prey" rather than "predator" in this troubled world of questionable…

The Coyote

A female coyote chooses whom she will mate with - sometimes her choice is unwise! But then there are badgers, whose life role can change by…


The Dromia (or Sponge) Crab, with his ten legs, doesn't move swiftly.


 The osprey, or fish hawk, is the only daytime-hunting bird of prey that feeds almost exclusively on live fish.


For some of God's creatures it is definitely not by accident but rather part of God's design that they gain weight—rapidly! Take bears,…


When a male peacock fans its tail so the highly elongated covering tail feathers actually can touch the ground on either side of him, he…


“Your hands have made me and fashioned me.” Psalm 119:73

Australian Platypus

With some features of a duck, a beaver, and an otter, the platypus is a mammal without nipples who still nurses, a male with venom and "a…


There is a good reason why Megabats are not gifted with "echolocation" as are the remaining 70% of all bats. The reason is simple: FRUIT…


I had never heard of a kinkajou—the little creature without a bad odor—until a neighbor got one. It won our hearts:


"God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27 What animal do you…


It is not by accident that song SPARROWS living in desert areas of the Southwestern USA look very different from the song sparrows who…


You know you are looking at a cheetah if there is what looks like a black "tear mark" running from the corner of a spotted cat's eyes down…

Roborovski Hamster

Have you ever met a tiny mouse-like creature and fallen in love? Be careful, it may happen to you one day!


Not every "rodent" is as fascinating as the porcupine...nor are they as large...nor do others have the bad temper of a mother pore if her…

Turkey Vultures

The turkey vulture, who has some of the most amazing mechanisms to be found in a bird, was designed by a caring Creator to help deal with…


Donkeys are often misunderstood and dismissed as "stubborn." But for those who get to know them well, they are wonderful treasures of…

The Shrike

Different varieties of shrikes are found in many countries. Endemic to the USA is the Loggerhead Shrike...who bears acquaintance! Amazing,…

Butterflies & Moths

Most moths are out and about at night, while butterflies are usually on the wing in the daytime.

Tokay Gecko

Second largest among the gecko species, the foot-long aggressive Tokay gecko, with its blue grey body sporting red-orange spots and its…

Sheep and Lambs

Not all sheep are dumb, nor are they all "followers" as their overall reputation would have one believe.


"Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise." Proverbs 6:6

The Anhinga

The anhinga, if measured by appearance, to say the least is a sharp dresser! (Black and white is classy, and this large, dark-feathered…


The size of seagulls can vary from 11 to 31 inches in length, and researchers say there are over 50 species of them around the world.

Scrub Jays

The long tail feathers of Scrub Jays make these colorful songbirds appear larger than they really are.

Northern Cardinals

A person would have to have a heart closed to beauty not to enjoy the sight of the gorgeous red feathers of the male cardinal who wears a…

The Miracle of Water

In Genesis1:2, we read of GOD’s Spirit moving (or hovering) over the face of the water. On the beginning of the second day water covered…


At home one morning the barking would not stop.


For some of God's creatures it is definitely not by accident but rather part of God's design that they gain weight—rapidly! Take bears,…

Northern Cardinal

A person would have to have a heart closed to beauty not to enjoy the sight of the gorgeous red feathers of the male cardinal who wears a…

Lightning Bug

The not-by-accident design of the flashing mechanism of the lightning bug is far superior to that of our incandescent light bulbs that are…

Key Deer

Like all newly-born white-tailed deer, the fawn in the key deer sub-species has a beautiful coat of camouflage: brown with white spots.


The hummingbird is the very smallest of all birds, with some species being just a bit over two inches in length.


The ants' brains are the largest of any insect, and their mushroom-shaped appendages have been found to function similar to the gray matter…


The often-pictured mountain goat can thrive in elevations too high and cold for even trees to grow.

Frigate Birds

The magnificent frigate bird is one of nature's most aerial of all birds.


One very real need for every creature is to stay alive and, for this, one needs to breathe. For us, breathing is automatic. But not for a…


It hardly seems possible that the Least Chipmunk, weighing barely over an ounce (about the weight of a slice of bread) or the largest…

Key West Chickens

There's an estimated 24 billion chickens around the world—definitely not considered to be endangered!


Just four cats among 30+ species of felines have the ability to roar: the lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar.

Wood Frog

It is not simply that the wood frog can survive for months, hibernating in temperatures that get down to minus 80° F that makes it so…

Gardening Ants

Another fascinating relationship, which has been observed in nature, concerns the Bull's Horn Acacia tree of Central and South America.

Burrowing Owl

The Burrowing Owl lives with unique "NOT BY ACCIDENT" design! Look at the nest material used for the babies of the round-headed,…

Red-Eared Sliders

Adam and Eve, our little red-eared sliders (turtles) frequently stack themselves one on top of the other. Someone thought it a sign of…

Golden Plover and The Trunk Fish

The golden plover flies to the artic to mate and raise their baby birds. However, before their babies are old enough for a trip south,…

God's Amazing Grass

In the Torah (Bible), we read “Then God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields…


Speaking personally, the iguana is not our favorite creature here in these sub-tropical Keys. Those reptiles enjoy bright and beautiful…


The pelican has a protection mechanism that is awesome! That skilled "fisherman" bird can dive from a 65-foot height, slam into the water,…


Foxes are one of the many animals mentioned in the Jewish Bible. Foxes are part of the dog family and can be rather small. With that in…


"There was loud disagreement going on. Maxine and Rainbow were perched far apart screeching at one another. For the sake of sanity in the…

Loggerhead Turtle

Research shows that Florida beaches account for a third of the world population of loggerhead turtles. And one of the most intriguing…


It's really not by accident that the powerful tiger was chosen the world's "favorite animal" when thousands of persons from over 70…


It's hard to believe, looking at its picture, but a seahorse has much more than the shape of its head to make it unique! Each of these…

Roseate Spoonbill

There are six kinds of spoonbills, but the only kind you'll find in the Western Hemisphere (where we live) is by far the most colorful.…

Most Popular


The pelican has a protection mechanism that is awesome! That skilled "fisherman" bird can dive from a 65-foot height, slam into the water,…

Tokay Gecko

Second largest among the gecko species, the foot-long aggressive Tokay gecko, with its blue grey body sporting red-orange spots and its…


Speaking personally, the iguana is not our favorite creature here in these sub-tropical Keys. Those reptiles enjoy bright and beautiful…

Frigate Birds

The magnificent frigate bird is one of nature's most aerial of all birds.


It's really not by accident that the powerful tiger was chosen the world's "favorite animal" when thousands of persons from over 70…


"There was loud disagreement going on. Maxine and Rainbow were perched far apart screeching at one another. For the sake of sanity in the…

Loggerhead Turtle

Research shows that Florida beaches account for a third of the world population of loggerhead turtles. And one of the most intriguing…


One very real need for every creature is to stay alive and, for this, one needs to breathe. For us, breathing is automatic. But not for a…

Scrub Jays

The long tail feathers of Scrub Jays make these colorful songbirds appear larger than they really are.


All 400 million dogs (the four-legged, domesticated type) running around in the world, have the same features in their paws: all have been…


It is not by accident that song SPARROWS living in desert areas of the Southwestern USA look very different from the song sparrows who…

African Grey

It is not by accident that the African Grey parrot is in a category of "prey" rather than "predator" in this troubled world of questionable…


"Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise." Proverbs 6:6


“Thus says the Lord: ‘Do no wrong’” (Jeremiah 22:3). This picture shows the ocean, and on the edge of the ocean there is a big, sandy…


There is a good reason why Megabats are not gifted with "echolocation" as are the remaining 70% of all bats. The reason is simple: FRUIT…


Donkeys are often misunderstood and dismissed as "stubborn." But for those who get to know them well, they are wonderful treasures of…


"God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27 What animal do you…


Moose are BIG mammals! They start out as 20- to 35-pound newborns—but when just five days old, while nursing and already browsing for solid…


When a male peacock fans its tail so the highly elongated covering tail feathers actually can touch the ground on either side of him, he…

Koala Bears

It's not by accident time now—to learn a bit about a furry animal who was created to thrive on what is poison to most other creatures! 

The Miracle of Water

In Genesis1:2, we read of GOD’s Spirit moving (or hovering) over the face of the water. On the beginning of the second day water covered…

The Sun

"God is faithful" (1 Corinthians 10:13). When God made our world, He did not want it to be dark all the time. So He made something very…

Roborovski Hamster

Have you ever met a tiny mouse-like creature and fallen in love? Be careful, it may happen to you one day!

The Shrike

Different varieties of shrikes are found in many countries. Endemic to the USA is the Loggerhead Shrike...who bears acquaintance! Amazing,…

Sea Otters

It is normal for a marine animal to have a layer of fat to protect it from cold ocean water. Normal—except for the sea otter! Did God…


For some of God's creatures it is definitely not by accident but rather part of God's design that they gain weight—rapidly! Take bears,…


"I love the Lord, because He has heard My voice" (Psalm 116:1). Next time you go to a pond, see if you can find a frog. You might have to…


“Your hands have made me and fashioned me.” Psalm 119:73

Love Birds

The name "Lovebird" is an excellent brief description of colorful, pint-size parrots that make affectionate and happy pets—If they have…

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