Grafted Contrary
A Sensible Person Gathers in Summer
Jun 06, 2021
“Yeshua went about all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of the…
The Heart of the Matter
May 20, 2021
Yeshua said something we should take careful note of in our spiritual walk with God.
Why do we Have the Bible
Mar 23, 2021
It may seem like an odd question if you are already a Believer until you consider that the Children of Israel…
What Faith Looks Like
Feb 13, 2021
Some conscientious believers really want to know what being right with God looks like.
Trusting God Like Elijah
Jan 28, 2021
Sometimes we may feel like we cannot do a lot of things for God but we shouldn’t believe that God is unable…
Say Yes to the Dress
Dec 19, 2020
For those of you who are not familiar with “Say Yes to the Dress,” it is a T.V program in which those who are…
Ignoring a Problem Doesn't Make it Go Away
Nov 23, 2020
One day while in a group for believers someone said she wanted to share some advice about the problem of sex…
Lord, Lord, Have We Not...?
Nov 01, 2020
There is a very interesting and also troubling passage about the judgment at the end of the world.
Guilt by Association
Aug 28, 2020
“The Lord your God will cut off before you the nations you are about to invade and dispossess.
Save Your Body for Your Spouse
Aug 09, 2020
I have often heard people say things like “Save your body for your spouse.” I think believers in Yeshua would…
Struggling with Shame
Jul 16, 2020
A lot of people struggle with shame. It can be hard to be hopeful regarding one’s relationship with God while…
Love is Enough
Jun 27, 2020
It is very easy to make errors in theology while trying to avoid errors in theology.
Why Do We Sin?
Jun 13, 2020
Many believers in Yeshua want to do well but don’t always do it as well-meaning as they are.
Maybe Self-love Isn't the Root Problem with Sin
May 28, 2020
Growing up as a believer in Yeshua I noticed was common for religious teachers to present love for self as…
Other Sections
Israeli Startup Takes Part in Success of International Mission
How did one Israeli startup contribute to NASA's successful DART International space…
Israeli Flying Cars Come to Australia
Whenever we get stuck in traffic, most of us dream of having a flying car that lifts us…
Matza Pizza
Ingredients:• 1 matza• tomato paste• choice of toppings: mushroom, onions, peppers,…
Genesis 43 & 44: Judah's Ascension
Listen as Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky looks at the record of Joseph and his brothers.
The History and Revival of the Hebrew Language
Intriguing video about the establishment of Hebrew as the modern spoken language of…
The Maccabeats and Netanel Hershtik Join the World in Making Havdallah
The Maccabeats are a wonderful singing group that shares Jewish music with their own…
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Enjoy the Archives!
Whole Megillah
Stop Waiting for a Special Occasion
When I was young I was often told to save nice clothing, food, and so on for a special occasion.
How to Pick a Date
“Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her (Ruth), ‘My daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you?
The Problem With Bible Movies
When I was young it was common to watch movies based on the Bible after Sabbath services.
No God is Not in Control
Whenever something heinous or stupid happens unexpectedly I often hear believers in Yeshua say “God is in control” as a way to offer hope…
Peace of Mind
On the way to work I would see the sign, “We Sell Peace of Mind.”
The Washbasin
There are a lot of objects and customs used in ancient Jewish worship services that still have significate spiritual lessons for us today.
Make the World Better While You Shop
When we are shopping for groceries and other items we need the main thing on our minds besides getting what we want would probably be…
Body Positivity - Unlearning from the Media
We have all seen it, advertisements of varies types promising a better-looking body by reducing winkles, excess body fat, and removing…
Eternal Light
One of the things you may find in traditional Jewish synagogue is the Eternal Light which is a lamp that is kept consistently lit to…
Are There Conditions for Unconditional Love?
What comes to your mind when you hear the words unconditional love?
One Wrong Turn
I have a pretty long commute to work and since it is over an hour it is easy to get a bit brain numb and drive without thinking that much…
Do You Judge Too Soon?
There is a Jewish saying, “No one knows whose shoe pinches except the person who walks in it”.
Who is Your God
Who is your God? Many Messianic Jews may answer the God of Israel of course, but is He really? There is a pretty fast way to check who you…
Jewish Hospitality
When everyone is so busy it is hard to make time to invite someone for a meal or any other activity. Also it can be a bit intimidating to…
Figuring Out God's Plan for Your Life
One of the biggest concerns one could face is defining God’s will for your life. I have heard a lot of stories about people who studied…
Defending Yeshua in the IDF
Although it is well known that there are some very mixed feelings about Messianic Jews, those who serve in the Israeli Defense Forces don’t…
Life Advice
I was on Facebook one day and I saw a quote. I don’t remember the name of the person who posted it or exactly what was said word for word…
Israel, Figs, and Your Soul
Figs are very significate in Jewish culture. The fig is one of the seven varieties of foods mentioned in the Tenach as being a blessing to…
Your Children Will Ask You
A study from Pew Research showed that millennials seem less likely to believe in God than previous generations. But even if some do believe…
Be an Individual Even if You are Part of Someone Else
The Torah gives Jewish families guidance for personal growth and mature relationships. In the Torah we read, “The man said, ‘This is now…
Most Popular
No God is Not in Control
Whenever something heinous or stupid happens unexpectedly I often hear believers in Yeshua say “God is in control” as a way to offer hope…
The Path of Life or Death
Sometimes following Yeshua can seem like a difficult decision to make and it indeed can be, but it is much harder if we forget to carefully…
Body Positivity - Unlearning from the Media
We have all seen it, advertisements of varies types promising a better-looking body by reducing winkles, excess body fat, and removing…
No Condemnation
“’Therefore, there is no longer any condemnation awaiting those who are in union with the Messiah Yeshua. Why? Because the Torah of the…
Do You Judge Too Soon?
There is a Jewish saying, “No one knows whose shoe pinches except the person who walks in it”.
One Wrong Turn
I have a pretty long commute to work and since it is over an hour it is easy to get a bit brain numb and drive without thinking that much…
Eternal Light
One of the things you may find in traditional Jewish synagogue is the Eternal Light which is a lamp that is kept consistently lit to…
Is There No Need to Defend Yeshua in the Israeli Defense…
Although it is well known that there are some very mixed feelings about Messianic Jews, those who serve in the Israeli Defense Forces don’t…
The Washbasin
There are a lot of objects and customs used in ancient Jewish worship services that still have significate spiritual lessons for us today.
The Problem With Bible Movies
When I was young it was common to watch movies based on the Bible after Sabbath services.
Jewish Hospitality
When everyone is so busy it is hard to make time to invite someone for a meal or any other activity. Also it can be a bit intimidating to…
Are There Conditions for Unconditional Love?
What comes to your mind when you hear the words unconditional love?
Selfies are getting a lot of attention these days. We see them in our Facebook newsfeeds; we hear about people doing ridiculous things to…
Who is Your God
Who is your God? Many Messianic Jews may answer the God of Israel of course, but is He really? There is a pretty fast way to check who you…
Figuring Out God's Plan for Your Life
One of the biggest concerns one could face is defining God’s will for your life. I have heard a lot of stories about people who studied…
Be an Individual Even if You are Part of Someone Else
The Torah gives Jewish families guidance for personal growth and mature relationships. In the Torah we read, “The man said, ‘This is now…
Your Children Will Ask You
A study from Pew Research showed that millennials seem less likely to believe in God than previous generations. But even if some do believe…
A Sensible Person Gathers in Summer
“Yeshua went about all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom, and healing every…
Forgive and Forget
“Forgive and forget” is a popular saying and while forgiveness is definitely a Biblical value, is that statement truly Biblical?
Life Advice
I was on Facebook one day and I saw a quote. I don’t remember the name of the person who posted it or exactly what was said word for word…
Defending Yeshua in the IDF
Although it is well known that there are some very mixed feelings about Messianic Jews, those who serve in the Israeli Defense Forces don’t…
Israel, Figs, and Your Soul
Figs are very significate in Jewish culture. The fig is one of the seven varieties of foods mentioned in the Tenach as being a blessing to…
Why God was Sad When Jews Wept for Tammuz
The Jewish prophet Ezekiel spoke of Israel’s captivity in Babylon and was shown some interesting things by God that were causing problems…