
More From Heritage

The Immortal Jews

If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one per cent of the human race. It…
The Immortal Jews
Pop-up Hate Fests

Pop-up Hate Fests

The demonstrations against Israel, some of them violent, all of them verbally violent, all of…
Pop-up Hate Fests

Miss Iraq and Miss Israel

Sarah Idan, the Iraqi-born model and musician crowned the 2017 winner of the Miss Iraq pageant,…
Miss Iraq and Miss Israel

Calendar of Jewish Persecution

Calendar of Jewish Persecution70 A.D. Destruction of Jerusalem 1,100,000 Jews were killed and…
Calendar of Jewish Persecution

Who Are Sephardic Jews?

Sephardic Jews are from Spain and Portugal. Sephardic custom claims the original Jews in Spain…
Who Are Sephardic Jews?

I am the Jewish Nurse

The monster who murdered 11 people in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh was treated by…
I am the Jewish Nurse

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