Holy Days Videos

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JCpro - The Passover Story

The Bible says that we are to tell the Exodus Story to our children in every generation. For…
JCpro - The Passover Story

613 Commandments

Shavuot is a spring holiday celebrates the revelation of the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai, the…
613 Commandments

Pessach Medley with Micha Gamerman

With the fast approaching holiday of Pessach stating next week, Micha Gamerman released his new…
Pessach Medley with Micha Gamerman

Raise your mask

Even though masks, costumes, flashy colors, and carnival themes are nowhere reflected in a…
Raise your mask
Destruction of the 2nd Temple

Crash Course on Tisha B'Av

Tisha B’Av may not be as well known as say the Passover or High Holy Days. So what exactly is…
Crash Course on Tisha B'Av
Dip Your Apple

Dip Your Apple

The Ein Prat Fountainheads, a group of Jewish musicians, dancers, singers, and other creative…
Dip Your Apple

On Yom Kippur

This parody below reflects on the sentiments that some people struggle with the fasting aspect…
On Yom Kippur

Chanukah Rights

Are you tired of Chanukah being forgotten and mistreated by the mainstream media? Well, so is…
Chanukah Rights

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