Recipes Quick and Easy Vegan Pesto Nov 06, 2021 S.A. TV Summer may be gone, but Chef Ani demonstrates the preparation of a delicious…
Holy Days Videos Rosh Hashanah. Overview Sep 15, 2022 Shalom Adventure Rosh Hashanah. Overview by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.
Grafted Contrary Body Positivity - Unlearning from the Media Mar 04, 2018 GC We have all seen it, advertisements of varies types promising a better-looking…
Traditions Mekhitza-Jewish Tradition Oct 16, 2023 Lee Bigg A mekhitza is a dividing wall or barrier that is used to separate men and…
Heritage Abundant Jul 17, 2021 Brenda Nieves “For the Lord hath chosen Zion... I will bless her with abundant provision.”…
Rosh Hashanah. Overview Rosh Hashanah. Overview by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky. Rosh Hashanah. Overview
Hope - Fountainheads The Fountainheads are an Israeli music group that traditionally juxtaposes Jewish lyrics into… Hope - Fountainheads
Six13 - A Star Wars Chanukah Six13, a well-known musical group who has performed before millions including sitting US… Six13 - A Star Wars Chanukah
The Maccabeats - Bashana Haba'a - Rosh Hashanah Acapella group the Maccabeats treats us with a song titled Bashana Haba’a, which means ‘Next… The Maccabeats - Bashana Haba'a - Rosh Hashanah
Cooking with Mayim: Passover Edition If you’re a fan of comfort tv, VODs, or live-streaming, “Cooking with Mayim: Passover Edition”… Cooking with Mayim: Passover Edition
Shalom Sesame: Noam's Sukkot Noam's etrog farm: a short documentary about a boy in Israel who visits an etrog farm and helps… Shalom Sesame: Noam's Sukkot
Tu B'Shvat - in Machane Yehuda - In Jerusalem This video is about getting ready for the Jewish holiday Tu B'Shvat in Jerusalem. If you have… Tu B'Shvat - in Machane Yehuda - In Jerusalem
Do You Want to Build the Sukkah This creatively done film was reportedly crafted, recorded, and filmed all in one day and is a… Do You Want to Build the Sukkah
Haneirot Halalu Six 13 invited friends and fans from all over the world to join them in song and help celebrate… Haneirot Halalu
Avinu Malkenu (Violin and Piano) A beautiful rendition of a traditional High Holy Days song. Avinu Malkenu (Violin and Piano)
The Jewish Fast Day of Tisha B'Av As covered in previous articles on Shalom Adventure, Tisha B’Av is officially the saddest day… The Jewish Fast Day of Tisha B'Av
I am Israel This video posted by Israel Daily depicts a beautiful song that a young singer and filmmaker… I am Israel
A Jew Sings Songs of Christmas Lex Friedman, a Jew, sings the songs of Christmas, from a Jewish perspective. A Jew Sings Songs of Christmas
Women in the IDF Women in the Israeli Defense Forces are female soldiers who serve in the Israel Defense Forces. Women in the IDF