

What about this “Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.” Deuteronomy 24:16?

Some people wonder how anyone can believe that Yeshua died to atone for the sins of the world in the place of humans when God said that each person was to die for their own sins. It is true that each is to die for their own sins; however the Messiah didn’t simply die for your sins when you should have. He took your sins away from you and He died. “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. That is the difference. The sin was transferred onto His account so people could be counted sinless and no longer have sin while He died for the sin instead because He took it as his own.

Now you may be thinking that that is just nonsense and the Torah doesn’t support that. However, while each person should be punished for their own sin the concept of transferring sin onto another is not foreign to the Torah. “Make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it as on a seal: holy to the Lord. Fasten a blue cord to it to attach it to the turban; it is to be on the front of the turban. It will be on Aaron’s forehead, and he will bear the guilt involved in the sacred gifts the Israelites consecrate, whatever their gifts may be. It will be on Aaron’s forehead continually so that they will be acceptable to the Lord.” Exodus 28:36-38. Please note that the priest was to bear the guilt of the people which as he made offerings to the Lord so that the people could be accepted. The concept that you can transfer sins onto another for atonement is at the foundation of the sacrificial system.

“When Aaron has finished making atonement for the Most Holy Place, the tent of meeting and the altar, he shall bring forward the live goat. He is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the wickedness and rebellion of the Israelites—all their sins—and put them on the goat’s head. He shall send the goat away into the wilderness in the care of someone appointed for the task. The goat will carry on itself all their sins to a remote place; and the man shall release it in the wilderness.” Leviticus 16:20-22. So while it is true, “Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.” Deuteronomy 24:16 it is also true that the sins of the parents and children can be placed or transferred onto another being who can bear their sins instead. It is simply a matter of being willing to give our sins up.

Picture originally found here

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