Abram Meets Melchizedek

Genesis 14 - Abraham and Melchizedek. Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.

When Abraham returns from saving his nephew Lot and the others from Sodom, Melchizedek King of Salem comes out to meet him with gifts.


There are only three verses in the book of Genesis concerning this encounter. About a thousand years after the meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek, King David wrote one amazingly significant verse about Melchizedek. About a thousand years later, the writer of the book of Hebrews quotes that verse in the Psalms an astounding five times, writing the majority of three chapters on Melchizedek. Obviously Melchizedek plays a bigger role than what is revealed from a surface reading of the original three verses in Genesis.

Putting It All Together:

Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky helps us understand it all by putting all of these verses together in this interesting sermon about Abraham and Melchizedek.

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Video thumbnail from Bible Graphic Studios, used with permission.

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