Genesis You Shall Not Eat...the Hare Jun 26, 2020 Leora Schmidt I had a biology lesson resulting from my walk today in the latter part of…
Holy Days Articles Purim Grogger Mar 16, 2019 Rachel Teichman This is one of our green crafts that reuse household objects and turn them into…
Israel Now Friends of the IDF: An Update from Israel’s… Dec 02, 2023 Abigail Schneider As the Hamas-Israel war continues to rage, Rabbi Steven Weil, CEO of the…
Drasha Enoch, Walking With God Mar 09, 2023 Shalom Adventure Genesis 5 - Enoch, Walking With God Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky
Grafted Contrary Say Yes to the Dress Dec 19, 2020 Lee Bigg For those of you who are not familiar with “Say Yes to the Dress,” it is a T.V…
Prose IDF Israeli Soldier Saves Palestinian Girl Aug 11, 2017 S.A. TV A true story of Palestinian family that got hit by stone from Palestinian…
Hallelujah L'Olam Enjoy this beautiful song with words that will give you encouragement for your day. Hallelujah L'Olam
Koolulam - One Day Israeli Jews sing and pray for "one day" when all people will say that they don't want to fight… Koolulam - One Day
Aleinu L'Shabeach It is Our Duty to Praise This song is called “Aleinu L'Shabeach” or “It is Our Duty to Praise.” It is sung in Hebrew by… Aleinu L'Shabeach It is Our Duty to Praise
Ari Lesser - Hamas You want to criticize Israel that’s cool . . . But if you support Hamas, you’re a fool . . .… Ari Lesser - Hamas
Hallelu et Adonai Kol Goyim Wonderful Jewish Messianic worship song with the lyrics for your enjoyment. Hallelu et Adonai Kol Goyim
The Song of Moses Have you seen the movie The 10 Commandments? If so, you know the story of how Moses led the… The Song of Moses
Steve Rees Psalm 51 Did you ever wonder what the psalms would sound like since they were originally written as… Steve Rees Psalm 51
We're Still Standing It is amazing how many attempts have been made to destroy the Jewish people, yet, literally,… We're Still Standing
Miriam's Song Debbie Friedman was a song writer and cantor. This is one of the songs she wrote for Passover. Miriam's Song