Laying the Foundation

Laying the Foundation

Cyrus had allowed the Jewish people to come back to Jerusalem after 70 years of being in Babylon. Zerubbabel lead about 42,000 people on the perils journey back to Israel and they began to resettle.

We learned from the previous sermon that this was not an easy thing for them to do. Those that made the choice to leave Babylon behind gave up their homes, their jobs and all the comforts that Babylon offered and they fully trusted God’s promise that He would bring them back and rebuild Jerusalem. 


In this sermon we see that during the seventh month which is the beginning of the fall Feasts, (Feasts of Trumpets, Yom Kippur and Sukkot) the people have now gathered in Jerusalem and they begin to offer sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins. Not only did they offer burnt sacrifices but they also sacrificed their time, their money, their gifts and talents to come together as one people and begin laying the foundation of the temple. Through this example given to us in Ezra we learn the importance of having a solid foundation laid in our own hearts and what it looks like when a congregation comes together and allows God to build His house through them.


Are you using the gifts and talents that God has given you to glorify Him? Are you wanting God to use you more effectively in your community or workplace? Have you confessed your sins and received the sacrifice that Yeshua made for you? In this week's message Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky teaches us the importance of starting out our spiritual journey by realizing God's great love for us and the need to confess our sins and receive the sacrifice made by Yeshua. We also learn that when we truly experience the forgiveness and love God has for us, we then have a desire to share His love with others.

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