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You Are Part of the Story

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Photo: A Beautiful Story

A Beautiful Story

A Grandson of slaves, a boy was born in a poor neighborhood of New Orlean known as the "Back of…
A Beautiful Story
Aaron Shust lyrics:


A beautiful song about the Jewish homeland.

Exploring Jewish Life in Iran

Despite living in a country whose government openly wishes for the complete and utter…
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Inspired by a deep desire to follow the mitzvah of tikkun olam - doing good in or repairing the…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a United States Supreme Court Justice, died on Sept 18, 2020 at the age of…
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Amazing Growth

The amazing video below shows the dramatic change in religious populations around the world…
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Photo: the Kotel, the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem

Discovering the Kotel

The Western Wall, also known as the Kotel, is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is a…
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What Does it Cost to be Faithful

The ancient story of Job (whom many people believe was written by Moses) in the Bible has…
What Does it Cost to be Faithful

Who is the Real Jew?

Two baby boys are born at the same time in the same hospital in NYC. One is named David and one…
Who is the Real Jew?

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