Israel Then History of Ancient Israel and Judah Explained… Jun 24, 2018 S.A. TV The history of ancient Israel in 5 minutes.
Drasha The Fall Aug 17, 2022 Shalom Adventure The Fall. Genesis 3.Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.
Gelt Shopper's Secrets Oct 09, 2023 Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES Sticker shock!! It seems that every time you walk into a supermarket or a…
Traditions History of the Mezuzah in 60 seconds May 30, 2018 S.A. TV Why do we hang a mezuzah? Find out in 60 seconds.
Gelt Don't be Sorry - Save May 13, 2021 Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES, CFC For those caught in betrayal, the new trend is for them to appear on television…
Holy Days Videos The Maccabeats - Dayenu - Passover Apr 22, 2024 Erin Parfet Dayenu translates to “it would have been enough,” or “it would have been…
The Maccabeats - I Have a Little Dreidel “I have a Little Driedel” is a popular children’s Chanukah song. The Maccabeats - I Have a Little Dreidel
Elon Gold - Keep Your Gragers Close! The word “grogger” is of Yiddish origin for rattle or noisemaker while the Hebrew form of the… Elon Gold - Keep Your Gragers Close!
The Western Wall - the Liberation from the Jordanians at… Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera showing the history of the reunification of… The Western Wall - the Liberation from the Jordanians at the Six Day War.
Why in the World do we Celebrate Tu B'Shvat Googling Tu B'shvat brings up millions of results for searches on the Jewish holiday Tu B'shvat… Why in the World do we Celebrate Tu B'Shvat
Haneirot Halalu Six 13 invited friends and fans from all over the world to join them in song and help celebrate… Haneirot Halalu
Survival of a Nation: The Battle for Jerusalem Israel’s 1967 battles to rescue Jerusalem from Jordanian assault, and the ensuing reunification… Survival of a Nation: The Battle for Jerusalem
Pella Productions - 8 Nights of Hanukkah Jewish a cappella group Pella Singers present a holiday medley in observance of Chanukah. Pella Productions - 8 Nights of Hanukkah
The Maccabeats - Pan Fry Jewish a cappella group Maccabeats offer a parody of two songs originally performed by Lil Neis… The Maccabeats - Pan Fry
Adam Sandler Chanukah Song “Put on your yarmulkes, here comes Chanukah. So much fun to celebrate Chanukah,” sings Adam… Adam Sandler Chanukah Song
Six13 - Elton Johnukah Song: Elton Johnukah Original Music by: Elton John; Original Lyrics by: Bernie Taupin Six13’s… Six13 - Elton Johnukah
Interactive Passover Passover. Celebrate Passover with Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky and Beth-El Shalom. Commemorate Exodus,… Interactive Passover
The Jewish Fast Day of Tisha B'Av As covered in previous articles on Shalom Adventure, Tisha B’Av is officially the saddest day… The Jewish Fast Day of Tisha B'Av
Hanukkah Lovin' Michelle Citrin, listed on in its top ten list of New Jewish Rock Stars and on the… Hanukkah Lovin'
On Yom Kippur it is Inscribed The cantor and incredible choir of the Israeli Defense Forces sing U’netaneh Tokef, the… On Yom Kippur it is Inscribed