Shoah Hitler Tried to Kill Me Mar 11, 2019 Shalom Adventure “In many cases, Hitler succeeded in wiping out total families,” Holocaust…
Holy Days Articles The third Plague: Lice from the Dust of the… Apr 08, 2017 John Lakas Exo 8:16 And the LORD said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and…
Holy Days Articles Matzoh Vegetable Stuffing Mar 18, 2021 Unknown Matzoh can take many forms during the eight days of Passover: crushed into meal…
To Your Health Fiber: Complex and Simple - Dr. Hans Diehl Aug 20, 2022 S.A. TV What, exactly, is dietary fiber?
Prose Tom Kapusta Nov 03, 2023 Jeff Zaremsky Tom Kapusta loved his father. Tom was proud of his career in the military.…
JCpro - The Passover Story The Bible says that we are to tell the Exodus Story to our children in every generation. For… JCpro - The Passover Story
Dayenu: Passover Song The Philadelphia Biblical University Institute of Jewish Studies Class of 2000 Music Team… Dayenu: Passover Song
Elon Gold - How the Jews Built the Pyramids A humorous explanation of how the Jews may have built the pyramids: Elon Gold - How the Jews Built the Pyramids
Repairing the breach – Yom Kippur Repairing the breach – Yom Kippur – Special Service – Alexander Bolotnikov Repairing the breach – Yom Kippur
Hanukkah Rock - An Elvis Inspired Jewish Acapella Hanukkah… It's Hanukkah 2020, and if you're ready for the "Hanukkah Rock", join Jewish a cappela group… Hanukkah Rock - An Elvis Inspired Jewish Acapella Hanukkah Medley
Shalom Sesame: Making Hamentaschen Purim is on March 12th this year! Enjoy this clip about making hamentaschen with your kids. Shalom Sesame: Making Hamentaschen
Haneirot Halalu Six 13 invited friends and fans from all over the world to join them in song and help celebrate… Haneirot Halalu
613 Commandments Shavuot is a spring holiday celebrates the revelation of the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai, the… 613 Commandments
Bible Collection: Esther Following the conquest of Babylon, the King of Persia gives a banquet for his people, but his… Bible Collection: Esther
Yom Kippur by Steve McConnell This beautiful song by Steve McConnell, released in his 1998 album HaMoedim, captures and… Yom Kippur by Steve McConnell
A Jew Sings Songs of Christmas Lex Friedman, a Jew, sings the songs of Christmas, from a Jewish perspective. A Jew Sings Songs of Christmas
I Gotta' Love You Rosh Hashanah “I Gotta Love You Rosh Hashanah” is a unique music video produced by Michelle Citrin, a 5’1”… I Gotta' Love You Rosh Hashanah
The True Light of Chanukah While the narrator tells the story, an artist draws the scenes in this video, The True Light of… The True Light of Chanukah
Matzo Man “They baked the dough that they took out of Egypt into unleavened cakes [matzah], for it was… Matzo Man
Oh Chanukah Oh Chanukah David Summerford plays the festive holiday song while scenes of Chanukah related photos play in… Oh Chanukah Oh Chanukah
Hilarious Hanukkah Medley This comical Chanukah medley was originally written by singer and actress Luisa Tedoff Cohen. Hilarious Hanukkah Medley