Passover Pesach in Cancun - Attraction Black Light & Shadow Theater

Check out this unique shadow performance at the event of Pesach in Cancun in the year of 2011 artfully depicting the story of Exodus in an especially creative light.

The Passover story is derived from the Book of Exodus, and chronicles the enslavement of ancient Hebrews in the foreign land of Egypt and their freedom from the bondage of slavery in a heathen land that did not honor God. The holiday encapsulates so many of the biggest themes illustrated throughout Jewish history: oppression and a deep desire for freedom, the longsuffering and resilience of the Jewish people, and the dichotomy of the Jewish people living in Israel itself versus dispersed across the far corners of the earth in foreign lands. These themes are still very much part of the Passover celebrations kept even today by the Jewish people.

Written by Erin Parfet

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