Shavuot Song

Check out this music video of three guys singing about how they are going to stay up all night doing the “Torah Tango” in honor of Shavuot.

The Torah is not specific about the exact date of Shavuot, so determining a precise date has been open to different interpretations within different sects of Judaism. Some groups seek for the literal date that the Torah was given at Mount Sinai at the time of a new moon, which is further based on the 50th day of Counting the Omer. The first day of counting the omer is the first day of the barley harvest, which begins on the second day of Passover, and continues for seven sabbaths after that, or the next 49 days. Thus, Shavuot is generally said to be on the Sixth Day of Sivan. In some portions of the diaspora, the holiday is celebrated over two days due to different interpretations of rabbinical teachings. It is not an uncommon tradition for the Jewish people to stay up all night studying the Torah on this Sixth Day of Sivan celebration. 

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