Complaining Bears No Fruit

Complaining Bears No Fruit

My beloved adonai, i know that you love me.
My beloved adonai, i know that you care.
But when you hear me complain each day, your heart and hand are withdrawn from me.  My complaints are an afront to you because you do all you can to make my life what i want it to be.
So when i am dissatisfied, and complain about the things I have, it is like telling you, my Adonai, that you are not good enough for me.

Oh how can that be when you are everything to me.
Please forgive me for my cruelty.
Please understand that when I used to complain it was because I did not allow the holy spirit to reign in me, but instead allowed the evil one to gain power over me.
Please forgive me my Adonai.
I place my sins at your feet and ask that you forgive me, so that I again may enjoy the love You have given me.
Please help me to know and understand that complaining is something that hurts You tremendously.
Allow me to seek the good blessings of each day and praise and honor You for this day.  Thank you my God for hearing me and allowing me to become more like the person You want me to be, loving, kind and grateful for each day, seeing the good that surrounds me.


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