Every Friday Night I Bless My Children

Every Friday Night I Bless My Children

Every Friday night I bless my children.
I put my hands upon their inclined heads
And say the words my father said to me:
"May God shine His countenance on you."

I put my hands upon their inclined heads,
Chanting with a pure, intense delight.
"May God shine His countenance on you,"
I pray as though my love might make it so.

Chanting with a pure, intense delight,
Each week I play this part with equal joy.
I pray as though my love might make it so,
That God might live with them as He with me.

Each week I play this part with equal joy,
And say the words my father said to me,
That God might live with them as he with me
Every Friday night I bless my children.

Originally found here

Picture originally found here


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