Fighting Battles Where They Are, Not Where They Aren't

Fighting Battles Where They Are, Not Where They Aren't

Conflict, inner turmoil, mental and emotional pain, —we all experience it at one time or another in our lives. It's the price we pay for our humanity.

Sometimes we know where it's coming from, and at other times we grope almost in darkness trying to figure it out. Before I'm pegged as some existential writer, let me assure you I'm not; because the pain that you feel, I feel also. I write this for me as well as for you. But we need solutions to the conflicts, and it's more than frustrating when we can't seem to come up with them.

I suggest that maybe we're fighting where the battles are not. When we're in the heat of our inner conflicts we tend to get so bent out of shape that we tend to analyze instead of seeing the problems for what they really are. We want a quick fix, and we want it now! I'm not saying that it's wrong to analyze our problems, but until we recognize the reality of what has us bent out of shape we can go on and on simply spinning our wheels. One of the great books that deals with this is called Reality Therapy by a noted pychologist.

Fighting battles where they are, not where they aren't, can be a hassle; but when the victory is ours we can breathe a sigh of relief and say, "It's over."

Picture originally found here

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