Master Sergeant Elkana Vizel

Master Sergeant Elkana Vizel

Master Sargeant Elkana Vizel, a 35 year old reservist in the Israel Defense Force, left a poignant message to be read if he did not return from Gaza. Unfortunately Sgt. Vizel was killed in Gaza on Jan 23, 2024, leaving behind his wife Galit and four children. Vizel was a rabbi/teacher.

Elkana wrote: “If you are reading these words, something must have happened to me. If I was kidnapped, I demand that no deal be made for the release of any terrorist to release me. Our overwhelming victory is more important than anything, so please continue to work with all your might so that the victory is as overwhelming as possible.

Maybe I fell in battle. When a soldier falls in battle, it is sad, but I ask you to be happy. Don't be sad when you part with me. Touch hearts, hold each other's hands, and strengthen each other. We have so much to be proud and happy about.

We are writing the most significant moments in the history of our nation and the entire world. So please, be happy, be optimistic, keep choosing life all the time. Spread love, light, and optimism. Look at your loved ones in the whites of their eyes and remind them that everything we go through in this life is worth it and we have something to live for. 

Don't stop the power of life for a moment. I was already wounded in Operation Tzuk Eitan (‘Operation Protective Edge [a 2014 war against Hamas]), I had the option of staying behind, but I do not regret that I returned to fight....

(Views in this article and other articles on Shalom Adventure do not necessarily reflect the views of Shalom Adventure Magazine, any of its staff and volunteers, donors, or sister organizations.)

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