
More From Prose

Escape From Iran

A story of one Jewish man's escape from Iran.
Escape From Iran

New Beginnings

“Why don’t you like me?” questioned Lois’s house guest.
New Beginnings

Getting Annoyed with God

I was working on an important task on the computer that I needed to complete and then the…
Getting Annoyed with God

Cruise Control

I am used to traveling pretty far distances for work but one thing I never really used while…
Cruise Control

Dear Jack

Jack took a long look at his speedometer before slowing down: 73 in a 55 mph zone.
Dear Jack

When it isn't So Bad

I was trying to work out one day and accidently twisted my ankle.
When it isn't So Bad

Uncle Louie's Santa Clause

Uncle Louie was loved by his nephews and nieces, by his friends, and everybody that knew him.…
Uncle Louie's Santa Clause

Steven Grabiner

Steven Grabiner finally made it to Israel. The savings bonds that he received at his Bar…
Steven Grabiner


On February 3, 1943 a torpedo struck the S.S. Dorchester. Chaos reigned on board as the boat…

Keep on Loving

“How did you and Duane manage to have such a loving and close family?” Kathy asked following…
Keep on Loving

Good Hearing, Bad Speaking

You may have heard the saying, “some things are easier said than done.”
Good Hearing, Bad Speaking

Surges of Hope

As I write this, not only do I write it for you, but for me as well. This has been a…
Surges of Hope

Snails and Spinach

When Dona was a young girl she was supposed to cook some spinach for her father because he had…
Snails and Spinach

The Hiding Place

In November of 1972 my parents emigrated from Israel to the United States, several months prior…
The Hiding Place

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