
  • A Stone to Remember

    Many cultures have different ways of dealing with death. One Jewish custom is to place a stone on the grave of someone who died.

  • Books of Judgement

    Daniel 7. Books of Judgement. Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.

  • Death of Abraham and Sarah, Nothing is Free Death of Abraham and Sarah, Nothing is Free
    Mourning Sarah

    After the death of Sarah Abraham mourned for her.  We don’t know how long they had been married, but they had been together for over 60 years since we were first introduced to them in chapter 11 of the

  • Rest and Arise

    Daniel 12. Rest and Arise. 
    Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.

    As result of sin all humans became mortal. People die and this is inevitable end of each person.
    This sermon demonstrates that God

  • Tu B’shevat - Fruit of the Vine Tu B’shevat - Fruit of the Vine

    Tu B’shevat.

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