God Makes Sarah Laugh

Sarah laughs

In Genesis 17 the Lord appeared to Abraham and told him that he and Sarah were going to have a child together. Abraham fell over laughing. In this chapter, chapter 18, the Lord again appeared to Abraham and repeats His promise. This time Sarah laughs within herself.

When Abraham laughed the Lord did not address it, but with Sarah He called her out for laughing. Sarah’s response to being caught by the Lord is interesting and tells us a lot about ourselves.

Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord

After Sarah responds to the Lord calling her out on laughing at God’s promise the Lord responded to her with a very revealing statement about God. He asked her a question. That question is a good one to think about every day of our lives.

Sarah laughs again

The Lord does come through for Sarah and Abraham and they miraculously have a child together. This time Sarah laughs for joy. And she invites us to laugh with her since God is well able to do the miraculous in our lives today as well.

Abraham and Sarah name the child Isaac, as God instructed them to do. The name Isaac means laughter. How appropriate.

The fact that God used a miraculous situation to bring Isaac into the world should not surprise us that God uses miraculous births at times to get a message across to us.

Still More:

There is still more to the story, and more important lessons for our lives. Join Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky as he goes more in depth for this important Biblical miracle as well as the application for our lives today..

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Picture from Bible Graphic Studios used with permission

Come along for the Adventure, you will stay for the Shalom – ShalomAdventure.com.

You can view all of Shalom Adventure videos at ShalomAdventure.lightcast.com.

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