Terah’s Descendants

Abraham’s Family, How Yeshua Kept from Sinning Even as a Youth

The Bible clearly tells us that Yeshua was tempted in all ways as we are, yet He did not sin.  How did He do it? Did He have something available to Him that we don’t have available to us? If that was the case than He would not have been tempted in all ways as we are, so that can’t be the answer. Yet He did what no one has done, but which all are called to do. So how did He do it? Finding the answer to that question is the vital key to living a godly life. We will discover the answer to that all important question today, from the Bible.

Some people picture Yeshua walking around with a halo over His head, or that His mother was immaculate in order to give birth to a perfect child, but neither of those are pictures that the Bible give us. The Bible says, “Yeshua grew both in wisdom and in stature, gaining favor both with other people and with God.” Luke 2:52.  Thus He continually grew with God while here on earth. The Inspired Word of God also tells us, in relation to when He descended from His Divinity to earth, “as the children have partaken of flesh & blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same… Therefore, in all things He had to be made like” us. So since He was made (when He came to this earth) “in all things like us” how did He do what you and I have not done?

The Bible also tells us that we will “arrive… at full manhood, at the standard of maturity set by the Messiah’s perfection.” Ephesians 4:13. That is a wonderful promise that we also will grow in stature to the full maturity of Messiah’s perfection, wow. And to those who receive that promise receive this gift: “To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:21

Thus He became “in all things like us” to be our example, so that we can be in all things like Him. But how? How can we overcome as He also overcame? We will find out today!

Yeshua, the Seed of Abraham

By looking at Abraham’s family line it will help us understand a little more about Yeshua and how we, like Him, can have victory no matter our inherited tendencies to do wrong.

Abraham’s family line, through his father Terah, is a very interesting study.  There were many intermarriages among family members bringing about some interesting results. For example Abraham married his half-sister Sarah, Abraham’s nephew Lot was raped by his own daughters, and several other family related bed fellows. All of that inbreeding brought about several nations. 

Overcomers with God

Today Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky ties Abraham’s family line and our relationship to Yeshua together and shows us, from scripture and illustration, how Yeshua overcame temptation throughout His life, and how we also can be overcomers with God.

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