Israel Now Israel on the Moon Mar 20, 2019 Erin Parfet Besides Israel’s undeniable accomplishment of launching its first ever space…
Tikun Olam Israel is Making Water out of Air Jun 01, 2015 Shalom Adventure Israel is Making Water out of Air
Poetry Books of the Bible Jul 23, 2013 Unknown In Genesis the world was made by God's creative hand;In Exodus the Hebrews march…
Drasha Abel and Cain: Right and Wrong Worship Dec 08, 2022 Shalom Adventure Genesis 4. Abel and Cain: Right and Wrong Worship. Sermon by Messianic Rabbi…
Drasha Tishah B'Av Jeremiah 52 Jul 23, 2019 Shalom Adventure Tishah B'Av.Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.
Shalom Adventure Free Apps We are excited to introduce our free no-ads apps. Do you enjoy Shalom Adventure programs and… Shalom Adventure Free Apps
My Son the Comedian The President elect of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was formerly a comedian. My Son the Comedian
Would You Pay $30 Million for a 1,000 Year Old Bible? What would you be willing to pay for a Bible that is more than 1,000 years old? Would You Pay $30 Million for a 1,000 Year Old Bible?
The UAE's Thriving Jewish Community The Jewish community in the United Arab Emirates has thrived in the past decade. The UAE's Thriving Jewish Community
Sarah Halimi The Court of Appeal in Paris, France just excused the criminal trial of Kobili Traore, accused… Sarah Halimi
Torah Commentary A new set of Bible commentary on the Torah highlights the Parashah from the Torah, the Haftarah… Torah Commentary
The History and Revival of the Hebrew Language Intriguing video about the establishment of Hebrew as the modern spoken language of Israel. The History and Revival of the Hebrew Language
Israel: There's No Place Like Home There’s no place like home, whether it is the end of a long day at work or the end of a long… Israel: There's No Place Like Home
Children are People Too Parents may say they love all of their children the same, and most people would agree they… Children are People Too
There's Zionism and Then There's Zionism Inaccurate language can lead to all sorts of bad results. Among the silliest and most… There's Zionism and Then There's Zionism
Jews vs Israelites vs Hebrews The words "Jews," "Israelites" and "Hebrews" have similarities but they are not synonyms. Using… Jews vs Israelites vs Hebrews
Whose Jerusalem Timeless Quotes: "Jews! Unique nation of the world! For thousands of years the tyranny of the… Whose Jerusalem
As a Little Child I was not raised in a highly observant home. When I began to practice my faith, I soon… As a Little Child
Shalom Adventure TV Show Watch Shalom Adventure TV on any platform you enjoy. Shalom Adventure TV Show
Jeff Persitz Jeff Persitz has always been a type-A let’s go for it kind of person. From the time of his bar… Jeff Persitz
New Museum Tells a Story of the Bravery of Jewish Soldiers A museum opened in Israel that highlights Jews who fought in World War II. New Museum Tells a Story of the Bravery of Jewish Soldiers