Real Mid-Eastern Falafel

Real Mid-Eastern Falafel

You don't need to go to Israel to have really great falafels.

What you need:
1 bag dry chickpeas
1 large Spanish onion
2 tablespoon chopped fresh garlic
2 tablespoons cumin
1 large lemon
1 cup flour
3 cups vegetable oil
1/4 tablespoon salt
dash pepper

What you do:
Soak dry chickpeas in a bowl, covering completing with cool water for 24 hours, on counter top with a plate or top to secure bowl (4 cans of chick peas may substitute dry).
Grind peas in food processor or by hand, and fork till it becomes paste like. Place in a large bowl with finely diced garlic, onion and cumin (jar chopped garlic may be used). Mix well.
Form balls in the palm of your hand slightly flattening on both sides.
In a separate bowl take flour, and just cover balls in flour. Fry in 3 cups hot oil on a medium flame until crispy on both sides.
Serve with crispy oven warmed pita bread and squeeze fresh lemon on top to taste.

Preparation Time: 24 hours
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6

Originally found here

Picture originally found here

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