Mr. Shuldig and his dog Doobie

Mr. Shuldig and his dog Doobie

Mr. Shuldig and his dog Doobie


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Porkless Passover Toast

Introducing our exclusive brand new Shalom Adventure cartoon series Porkless created by the…
Porkless Passover Toast

Matzoh Vegetable Stuffing

Matzoh can take many forms during the eight days of Passover: crushed into meal for baking or…
Matzoh Vegetable Stuffing
10th plague of Egypt


The Passover is a very important Holy Day in Jewish history. The Passover begins the day before…

Vegetarian Kishke

Ingredients:• 6 small sweet potatoes, peeled and grated• 2 stalks celery, chopped• 2 carrots,…
Vegetarian Kishke
Feast of Trumpets

Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets is the first of the fall feasts. It begins on the first day of the…
Feast of Trumpets

Passover Baklava Cake

This rich, nutty confection is soaked in a honey-citrus syrup, giving it a flavor much like…
Passover Baklava Cake
matza ball soup

Matza Ball Soup

Matzah Ball soup is a Passover favorite that can be enjoyed any time of year. Passover…
Matza Ball Soup

Matza Pizza

Ingredients:• 1 matza• tomato paste• choice of toppings: mushroom, onions, peppers, artichokes,…
Matza Pizza

Matzo Brei

Matzo BreiServes 4 to 6I decided to veganize my mom's old-fashioned Jewish Matzo Brei recipe…
Matzo Brei

Passover Symbols

A traditional Passover Seder plate has a combination of a total of six items.
Passover Symbols

Porkless Shavuot

Calculating the time it took to go from Egypt to Mount Sinai, it is most likely that Moses was…
Porkless Shavuot

Sounding the Shofar

For those of you who have attended, a Rosh HaShanah service (or watched one here on the Shalom…
Sounding the Shofar

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