Technion Nobel Roots - Tu B'shvat in Israel

Take a virtual stroll down the Nobel Trail, located in Lokey Park on the Haifa (חֵיפָה) campus of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (הטכניון – מכון טכנולוגי לישראל).

There is no spoken narration in this short video clip; placards and captions tell the story, accompanied by music and the peaceful ambient sounds of a tree-lined pathway in Lokey Park.

The video footage juxtaposes shots of Nobel Laureates planting tree saplings with mature, fully grown trees towering over the park pathway.

Nobel Prize Laureates are invited to plant trees, celebrating both Tu B'shvat and academic achievement. Here’s a link to last year’s tree planting by Nobel Prize Laureate Ben Feringa.

The video placards and captions will list the names of many Nobel Prize Laureates. Some names might be more familiar than others, but all offer the opportunity to learn more about their stories and the tree planting tradition. 

For more information and a list of Nobel tree planters, see the Technion Nobel Tradition.


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