Nazi Germany and the Jews Between 1933=1938

Nazi Germany and the Jews Between 1933=1938

Yad Vashem, the world holocaust remembrance center, presents an innovative online course on the holocaust.


This video provides a thumbnail sketch of the historic events and popular attitudes that led to the Jewish holocaust in Nazi Germany from the rise of Hitler to power in 1933 to Kristallnacht 1938 when German anti-Semitism broke out in all its murderous fury and rage.

Dr. Na’ama Shik, director of the E-learning department of the International School for Holocaust Studies, narrates a poignant video of the root causes of the holocaust.  Apart from an accurate representation of German history, it whispers of the danger of such a time happening again.

          “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana

Written by Richard J Paracka


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