Holy Days Videos Six Days of Miracles May 22, 2017 S.A. TV An exciting and uplifting historic short movie, highlighting the miraculous…
Poetry Every Friday Night I Bless My Children Dec 17, 2013 Charles Henri Valentin Alkan Every Friday night I bless my children.I put my hands upon their inclined…
Parasha Parashat Vayigash Jan 01, 2025 Richard Amram Elofer Parasha for the Week: Vayigash: Genesis 44:18 - 47:27. Haftarah for the Week:…
Israel Now Argentinian President Addresses United Nations Nov 11, 2024 S.A. TV Argentinian president Javier Gerardo Milei called out the UN for its strong…
Holy Days Articles Celebrating Rosh Hashana with Food Sep 23, 2019 Shabbat Shalom Magazine Food is an important part of the celebration of Jewish festivals. Not only does…
Israel Then Mount Tabor Jun 19, 2023 Jeff Zaremsky Mount Tabor is a curiously beautiful mountain that pops up out of the Jezreel…
Tsitsit The custom of putting Tsitsit, fringes or tassels, on the corners of garments originates in the… Tsitsit
Two Torahs? Many understand the Torah to be the five books of Moses. And that is true but what many Jews… Two Torahs?
Traditional Jewish Housewarming Gifts When a Jewish family moves into a new home, relatives and friends can bring housewarming gifts… Traditional Jewish Housewarming Gifts
Americans Try Israeli Food for the First Time How familiar are you with some Israeli food? You’re probably familiar with Hummus and falafel,… Americans Try Israeli Food for the First Time
Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism is viral and has infected almost all large organized groups from all sides of the… Anti-Semitism
Engaged? Jewish Traditions Before a Wedding Seven Jewish customs and traditions observed before marriage. Engaged? Jewish Traditions Before a Wedding
Bar Mitzvah When a young boy reaches the age of thirteen, he is termed a bar mitzvah, which literally means… Bar Mitzvah
Car 54 Where Are You? - See You at the Bar Mitzvah On March 3, 1963, television viewers were treated to an episode of the comedy Car 54, Where Are… Car 54 Where Are You? - See You at the Bar Mitzvah
Alms (Tzedakah) Box The Hebrew word "tzedakah" derives from the biblical word "tzedek" meaning righteousness or… Alms (Tzedakah) Box
Tanach The Hebrew Scriptures, also known as the Tanak contains 39 books divided into 3 sections. The… Tanach
Jewish Calendar LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR.The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also… Jewish Calendar
Celebrating My Son's Bar Mitzvah - Mayim Bialik Ever been invited to a bar or bat mitzvah and wonder what that even is? Celebrating My Son's Bar Mitzvah - Mayim Bialik
Yiddish Part One The Yiddish language is a western Germanic oral and written dialect used by the Ashkenazi Jews… Yiddish Part One
Halacha The word Halakhah comes from the root word halakh which means “to go” and it is the name given… Halacha
The Jewish Calendar LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also… The Jewish Calendar
Burial vs Cremation: A Jewish Perspective A discussion of traditional versus current trends regarding burial is presented. Burial vs Cremation: A Jewish Perspective
Challah Bread plays a very important role in Jewish tradition. In the Torah when Holy visitors come to… Challah
Elon Gold: Why The Jews Are Better Off Without Christmas… A little holiday comedy to kick off the season. Comedian Elon Gold explains why Jews are better… Elon Gold: Why The Jews Are Better Off Without Christmas Trees