Holocaust Survivor Meets US Veteran After 70 Years

Holocaust Survivor Meets US Veteran After 70 Years

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Second Day of Festivals

Once the Beth Din had evidence that the new moon had been seen, (see FIXING THE CALENDAR) a new…
Second Day of Festivals

Yiddish Part Two

Prior to the Holocaust, Yiddish, a language more resembling Middle High German than anything…
Yiddish Part Two
Photo: Front of a Kosher Market on a Street Corner

Mixing Matters

"...You shall not boil a young goat in its mother's milk" (Deuteronomy 14:21). Many take this…
Mixing Matters
A bride and groom under a chupah, a large covering often used at weddings.

Jewish Wedding

A chupah is a large covering that is often used at weddings to cover the bride and groom.
Jewish Wedding


"Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad." These wordsare the first words in every mezuzah.…

Mikvah-Jewish Tradition

A mikvah, מקווה, is an immersion pool that is used for ceremonial cleansing.
Mikvah-Jewish Tradition


Tzedakah is from the word meaning righteousness. A tzadek is a righteous person.

Magen David

The Magen David is the six pointed star also known as the Star of David. Magen David literally…
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Bar Mitzvah

When a young boy reaches the age of thirteen he is termed a bar mitzvah, which literally means…
Bar Mitzvah

The Jewish Calendar

LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also…
The Jewish Calendar


The custom of putting Tsitsit, fringes or tassels, on the corners of garments originates in the…

What is Kosher?

This video is an introduction to what it means to be kosher.
What is Kosher?

Circumcision-Jewish Tradition

Male circumcision is a well known Jewish tradition. Avraham (Abraham) was called by God and…
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