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Maccabeats Lead Havdallah

Maccabeats Lead Havdallah

The Accidental Talmudist posted this video the “Maccabeats Lead Havdalah - Partners In Torah…
Maccabeats Lead Havdallah

Magen David

The Magen David is the six pointed star also known as the Star of David. Magen David literally…
Magen David
Photo: Front of a Kosher Market on a Street Corner

Mixing Matters

"...You shall not boil a young goat in its mother's milk" (Deuteronomy 14:21). Many take this…
Mixing Matters

Second Day of Festivals

Once the Beth Din had evidence that the new moon had been seen, (see FIXING THE CALENDAR) a new…
Second Day of Festivals

What is a Get?

A get is a divorce under halacha, or Jewish law. The word can also refer to the document that…
What is a Get?


In many Jewish synagogues a minyan is required for public prayer times. A minyan is a group of…

The Shochet-Jewish Tradition

Have you ever wondered what a shochet is? It is known that Torah observant believers keep a…
The Shochet-Jewish Tradition
The Chuppah

The Chuppah

In the Song of Solomon we read “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me…
The Chuppah

Mikvah-Jewish Tradition

A mikvah, מקווה, is an immersion pool that is used for ceremonial cleansing.
Mikvah-Jewish Tradition

Alms (Tzedakah) Box

The Hebrew word "tzedakah" derives from the biblical word "tzedek" meaning righteousness or…
Alms (Tzedakah) Box

Shabbat Candles

One of the most well known Jewish customs connected with the observance of Shabbat (the…
Shabbat Candles


Have you done a mitzvah today? A mitzvah is a good deed, something done to benefit someone else…

Bar Mitzvah

When a young boy reaches the age of thirteen he is termed a bar mitzvah, which literally means…
Bar Mitzvah

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