Abram in Egypt

Genesis 12 - Abram in Egypt: Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.

Abraham and his family left his home in Ur of the Chaldees and stopped in the city of Charan, where his father died. At the age of 75 Abraham, with his wife Sarah age 65, their nephew Lot, and all of their possessions left Charan, according to the command of the Lord and traveled to Canaan, which later became Israel.

In Shechem, God appears to Abraham and gives him a wonderful promise that was eventually fulfilled and is still being fulfilled today. Abraham builds an alter to God there, showing his faith and appreciation of God’s promise. Abraham continues to travel through Israel moving his herds and living in tents. At each new location Abraham builds alters to God.

A famine takes place, and out of fear Abraham with his family makes a big mistake and goes to Egypt. He adds the mistake of going to Egypt with another mistake, which makes matters worse.

Miraculously and mercifully, God spares Abraham from his mistakes, and Abraham responds appropriately.

In this week’s drasha (sermon), based on Genesis 12, Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky shares God’s wonderful promise to Abraham and how it can be and is being fulfilled in our lives. He also shares how we can show our appreciation for God’s wonderful promises and provisions in our lives, instructing us on how to avoid the mistakes Abraham made and how to live by faith and not by fear.

We will also find out what miraculous and merciful provision God made for Abraham and Sarah, in spite of Abraham’s mistake and what Abraham’s appropriate response was. From that we will learn how to be forgiven and cleansed of our past mistakes, what to do if, God forbid, we make other mistakes in the future, and how to keep from making mistakes in the future, by God’s grace.

Click on the video and be blessed from the reading and expounding of God’s word.

You can also see hundreds of other Shalom Adventure Magazine’s sermons nicely sorted out by Bible book or Holy Day at this link.

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