Yad Vashem

Almost 12 years ago, Youtuber Nina N (@NinaNowa) posted a video documenting her visit to Yad Vashem the year before on Yom HaShoah 2011.

Nina’s video description gives insights to her visit and the video footage she took while there. Some of her footage records archival videos as they played during the visit; some footage records museum displays and live scenes while there. Both are edited together with the music of Kevin MacLeod’s “Snow Drop,” which is juxtaposed with the audio from the edited footage.

The collage of edited footage is moving and powerful, fragmented and switching focal points like a visitor moving past different museum displays, telling different parts of a larger story.

Occasionally, text is added from signs/placards captured in the video footage; sometimes captions are added to the footage, but mostly Nina’s audio and video speak poignantly for themselves.

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