Making Safe Non-Toxic Liquid Hand Soap

Making Safe Non-Toxic Liquid Hand Soap

Among the personal care products that you should never buy again is the antibacterial hand soap due to its toxic ingredients, including Triclosan, that are known to cause endocrine (hormone) disruptions and creates a resistance in bacteria.

Aside from Triclosan, consumers should also be weary of regularly “cleaning” their hands with ingredients classified by The Environmental Working Group as “expected as toxic or harmful” like Tetrasodium, EDTA, a preservative made from Formaldehyde, or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.

The list of ingredients to avoid in commercial hand soap is nearly as long as the list of ingredients in the hand soap itself. Among the others to avoid are Parabens, which have been found in breast cancer tissues, suggesting a link between the two, and artificial fragrances that can irritate and dry skin. Ideally though, why have anything unnecessary in your hand soap at all? It’s time more of us understood that the luscious bubbly lather of what marketers say is “high-quality soap” is chemically-induced. Why risk it when other options exist?

Castille Soap: This is a concentrated non-toxic soap base that will cost around $10-20 dollars upfront, but will last for dozens of batches of liquid hand soap. In the end, it is absolutely less expensive than buying soap refills and bars of soap. You can purchase it either scented or unscented. If you decide to spend the extra dollars for a scented variety, then you wouldn't require essential oils unless otherwise desired.

Essential Oils: you have several options. You can choose your favorite scent like cinnamon, lavender or peppermint and alternate between them every few months, or perhaps with the changing seasons. Or, you can remember this handy guide to essential oils and pick the best one to benefit your home. Either way, you get a non-toxic, fresh soap every time.

Some Favorite Soap Oils: Blood Orange Oil – Besides having an amazing ability to perk you up, blood orange also reduces inflammation, is anti-septic and works to gently detox through the skin. It leaves your hands feeling and smelling clean. Lemon Oil – naturally anti-bacterial providing a safe gentle cleanse with a fresh citrus scent to lift any mood. And it's great for improving skin conditions. Peppermint Oil – has a cooling effect on the skin, peppermint is known to reduce itchiness and repel mosquitoes, too. Water – All that you will need with the castille soap base and essential oil is water. Use cold water, to preserve the quality and potency of the essential oils.

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