Fight the Virus

Fight the Virus

'Fight the Virus' by Alvin Oon is a remake of Simon & Garfunkel's classic song 'Sound of Silence'. This song shares information about the current Wuhan coronavirus that has spread across the world and how we can all work together to fight and beat this virus.

Hello virus from Wuhan
Another problem's here again
Because you see the contagion creeping
And the virus is indeed spreading
And the memory of SARS planted in my brain
Still remains
We stand and fight the virus

We hear of theories how it grew
From snakes and bats became a flu
Passing the sickness from man to man
Now it's growing, getting out of hand
It's a virus that has travelled near and far
We have to fight the virus

And in the latest news I saw
Ten thousand people maybe more
People falling sick with much coughing
People falling ill with much sneezing
People worried for their health and their ones so dear
We keep the fight the virus

Keep your hand clean always know
Hygiene will stop that virus grow
When you sneeze cover with a tissue
Even coughing just let me teach you
Wear a mask if you're sick so that others won't get it too
We count on you
To help to fight the virus

Together we must overcome
To beat this virus fight as one
For a life of health and harmony
It's in our hands it's up to you and me
For the health of our land of our friends and family
We will win this fight the virus






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