High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure
• Eliminate saturated fats, shortening, margarine & refined vegetable oils.

• Eliminate all foods containing trans-fats.

• Reduce salt intake.

• Reduce consumption of refined sugars.

• Increase consumption of fibre.

• Avoid aspartame, red meats, diet foods, commercially prepared foods, or any foods containing MSG.

• Consume fresh raw vegetables & fruits in abundance.

• Beans & nuts are excellent sources of protein.

• Eat 1 apple or more every day for potassium & pectin which bind water in great quantities and eliminate it.

• Fresh asparagus in season is excellent for reducing high BP as it contains asperagin which stimulates kidney function.

• Other vegetables which are high in potassium and low in sodium are avocados, cabbage, potatoes, corn, lima beans, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, grapefruit, prunes, and raisins.

• Green leafy vegetables are a good source of calcium, the deficiency of which has been linked to high blood pressure.

• Drink 1 glass of pure water every 2 waking hours.

• Onions, garlic, and parsley have been shown to bring down blood pressure.

• Celery has also been shown to reduce blood pressure. Eat 4 stalks each day.

• Avoid overeating, even of good food for this leads to high blood pressure.

• Keep your weight down.

• Obtain adequate rest.

• Obtain adequate exercise daily.

• Manage stress levels.

• Do a 1 - 3 day juice fast every month. Drink a wide variety of juices to support your fast, including those made from apples, bok choy, carrots, onions, leafy greens, apricots, cranberries, cantaloupe, papayas, and red grapes....

Originally found here

Picture originally found here

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