9 Things to do With Olive Oil

9 Things to do With Olive Oil

Olive oil has stood the test of time and is a basic component to the kitchen pantry.

We love it as salad dressing and on pasta. And the extra-virgin and cold-pressed is good for our heart. It’s hard to imagine a kitchen without it. While all of that is well and good, olive oil gets even better as we take it out of the kitchen. Olive oil like other natural ingredients, such as apple cider vinegar and baking soda is wonderfully useful for taking on household chores, beautifying, and self-medicating. And whatever one’s reasons may be, moving away from chemical products and adding olive oil to the mix can quite often come in handy.

Protects Wood: Start looking into the products we use to moisturize and protect our wood surfaces and it quickly becomes apparent that they’d ideally be a little safer. Those readily identifiable odors are often the result of carcinogenic chemicals. Instead, we can make up a simple mixture of olive oil and a few drops of essential oil of lemon or even just lemon juice. And it will provide a pleasant aroma, as well as keep the wood (and us) healthy.

Moisturizes Skin: One of the best natural skin moisturizers for treating damage skin with can be found in our kitchen pantry. Olive oil has lots of vitamin E, which helps with dry skin both by including it in one’s diet and applying it topically can help alleviate dry cracked skin and elbows and feet. Many products sold by retailers add olive oil in their skincare creams as one of their primary ingredients {in addition to a list of chemicals} claiming that their products are created with natural ingredients. For better alternatives try mixing olive oil, essential oils and cocoa butter to make wonderful soothing and all natural skin cream without the chemicals.

Treats Chapped Lips: Chapped lips are a pain in the…mouth, but there are many all-natural home remedies for this common problem. Coconut and flaxseed oil are usually the recommended choices for treating chapped lips, but for those of us who are a bit more run-of-the-mill in the kitchen cabinets, olive oil is also great for getting those lips moisturized.

Lubricates Hinges: A squeaky hinge is one of those things that can drive a person to the outreaches of sanity and can be easily remedied with something so simple as a bit of drizzled olive oil. There is no reason to continue putting it off until the next trip to the hardware store. Just add a little lubrication next time salad is on the menu.

Soothes Shaves: Shaving creams have some questionable ingredients in them, stuff that certainly isn't natural. But, olive oil is natural, good for the skin and lubricates well, so it makes a great substitution for shaving cream.

Removes Stickers: Stickers can be an incredible nightmare requiring long lingering moments in front of the sink scrubbing away. No need to buy chemical products to take those final bits of sticky residue off. Olive oil can get the job.

Conditions Hair: Hair oil treatments help to make hair shiny and luxurious but many store bought products often include unnecessary chemicals. Instead, just heat up a few tablespoons of olive oil and apply it to freshly washed hair. Massage it into the scalp and slowly move out to the tips of the hair. Let it sit for half an hour and then rinse it out.

Shines Stainless Steal: Metal polish is harsh-smelling, nasty stuff, and surprisingly enough, it’s not necessary. There are many things that give different metals a good polish, but olive oil is particularly well suited for shining up stainless steel and brass items, such as sinks, stoves, mixing bowls, fixtures, and so on. All natural, solutions are all around us, especially in our kitchen pantries. Olive oil is another simple product that simply has tons of uses.

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