Buckwheat Granola

Buckwheat Granola

Buckwheat Granola


  • 10 cups buckwheat groats, sprouted
  • 2 cups maple syrup
  • 1 1/2 cups sunflower seeds
  • 2 cups raisons
  • 2 1/2 cups coconut
  • 3 Tbs vanilla
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 2 Tbs mesquite powder (opt)


  • Combine sprouted buckwheat and all other ingredients in a bowl.
  • Mix together well and spread out on dehydrator trays.
  • Dehydrate at 105F until dry, approx 36 hours. 

Buckwheat Granola: Chocolate Version

To make a chocolate version, add a little more maple syrup and raw cacao powder according to taste preference. 

Sprouting Buckwheat

To sprout the Buckwheat:

  • Put the buckwheat groats into a glass jar and cover the jar with cheesecloth.
  • Fill the jar half full of water and soak the groats for at least 6 hours (you can soak them overnight if desired).
  • In the morning, drain the soak water off. 
  • Place the jar upside down on an angle in your dish rack, to allow any excess water to drain off. 
  • Rinse them in the evening and drain the water off again. 
  • Leave the jar sitting upside down on an angle again to drain off excess water.
  • In the morning, you will have little 'tails' on the groats. They are now ready to use in the above recipe. 

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